Los Angeles – Hansen Olson

Los Angeles
Slash Records, 1980
Reviewed by Hansen Olson
Published on Dec 9, 1997

This is a true story. No shit. My wife and I were sitting in
this scummy sandwich place drinking coffee and waiting to see X
perform. This couple comes in and goes over to the pinball machine.
My wife leans over and says, “Do you think they’re homeless? I
don’t even think they can afford to wash their hair. Should we buy
’em something to eat?” About then, the couple turns around. Sure
enough, it’s Exene Cervenka and John Doe – lead singer and bass
player for X (and, at the time, husband and wife). They played
pinball, smoked dozens of cigarettes, argued and left.

Later that night, we went to “The Revolution,” Sioux Falls,
South Dakota’s short-lived punk club. This was 1981, right after
Los Angeles came out. It had probably sold less than 500
copies in the entire state and every person who bought one was at
the gig. Rumor had it that X like chaos at their shows. True to
form, they had all barriers between them and the audience removed.
The slam dancers were, literally, inches away from the band. We
planted ourselves in front of Billy Zoom, guitarist extraordinaire.
He played with his legs spread wide, looking straight forward with
a glazed smile on his face. He looked like a golden eagle circling
the canyon looking for prey. Ten minutes after the show started,
some asshole drunk decided he wanted to feel Exene up. They were in
the middle of “Johny Hit And Run Pauline,” a song about rape and
murder. Billy started his solo as the drunk started grabbing Exene
by the left breast. John Doe didn’t notice or didn’t care. Billy
had that same look on his face, that same smile. Suddenly, his pick
hand flashed out and he hit the guy square in the nose. Asshole
flew back 10 feet with blood pouring from his now crooked schnoz.
He missed my wife by a foot. Billy Zoom never missed a note. I shit
you not.

That’s how I think of X. Barely controlled chaos. Lyrics that
put Charles Bukowski (look him up on the Net!) to shame. Blood and
grime and spilled beer and guitar from a mutant, shoe polish
sniffing Chuck Berry fanatic.

Los Angeles is a good place to start. John Doe and Exene
harmonize on songs that make living on the edge in El Lay sound,
well, desirable. Ray Manzarek of the Doors produced it and plays
keyboards. They even do a warp speed cover of “Soul Kitchen.” DJ
Bonebrake plays solid drums in the understated style of Charlie
Watts. The song titles say it all: “Your Phone’s Off The Hook, But
You’re Not,” “Sex And Dying In High Society,” “Nausea.” Eddie
Cochran meets the Sex Pistols and huffs glue til he pukes. I shit
you not.

Rating: B-

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