Live At The Gong Family Unconventional Gathering – Mark Kadzielawa

Live At The Gong Family Unconventional Gathering
A-Wave, 2006
Reviewed by Mark Kadzielawa
Published on Dec 15, 2021

Gong has made its lengthy history playing music that can be considered progressive or spacey. Very few bands do what Gong does and manage to last as long. The only other one that comes to mind is Hawkwind, but their story is completely different.

This album was recorded live in Amsterdam in 2006 at a convention of die-hard Gong fans who knew what they were getting. Whenever that happens, it allows the artists to dig a little bit deeper when it comes to the set lists. As a result, the experience is much more memorable. 

Opening with “You Can’t Kill Me,” the band reminded the audience of their longevity and determination to keep going despite many setbacks. “A Sprinkling of Clouds” and “Magdalene” are additional highlights of this set.

One of the great things about this album is seeing Steve Hillage back in the band. His playing was always perfect for Gong. Hillage does not disappoint here; his guitar navigates the music. There are ten musicians playing on this release, which definitely creates a very rich musical texture. It may be too much for some, but for Gong fans, it’s just perfect.

The album has a very good atmosphere. You can feel the audience and the band enjoying the show, which is exactly what every live album should be like. The energy is there, and it was captured very nicely. What’s surprising is that a set from 2006 had to wait so many years to be finally released in 2021; better late than never.

Gong always came alive on stage, so it’s no wonder they have many live releases. This is a great set, beautifully packaged, and easily enjoyed by the fans of the band.

Rating: A

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