Listen Closely – Michael Ehret

Listen Closely
ForeFront Records, 1998
Reviewed by Michael Ehret
Published on Feb 22, 1999

Can you say “sophomore slump”?

Sure, you can. I knew you could.

But you had better NOT say it about the Smalltown Poets’
sophomore disc,
Listen Closely. There wouldn’t be a word of truth about it.
This disc is better than their 1997 debut in every way – and that
debut was one pretty darn good disc.

Listen Closely far exceeds their self-titled debut both
musically and lyrically — and that bodes well for their future and
what they will be able to do. The songs here are better defined.
The lyrics deeper and yet more accessible. Musically, this is one
talented group of guys.

Buoyed by the relentlessly upbeat first single “Gloria,” this
disc will be playing all over Christian radio stations (and some
secular ones if they have any taste at all) all summer.

Exuberant praise drips from this song’s lyrics, while it also
instructs listeners that the best thing they can do is live what
they believe:

“Glory to God/I want to make what I’ve been feeling show/And
I’ve been living with specific boundary lines/Been given warning
signs/It comes down to me/ Singing Gloria/Living Gloria/And the
light so shines that everyone will see…”

The temptation for popular CCM bands is to water down their
message in hopes of attracting general market acceptance. The Poets
cannot be charged on that account. The lyrics here unapologetically
speak to their Christian faith. Whether in the disc opener, “Call
Me Christian,” or the call to peaceful living “The Gospel Is
Peace,” or the closing “One of These Days” the Poets sing about
faith in general and their own faith in particular.

The Poets are: Michael Johnston, lead vocals, guitar; Miguel
DeJesus, bass, vocals; Kevin Breuner, lead guitar; Danny Stephens,
keyboards, vocals; and Byron Goggin, drums.

Johnston, Stephens and Goggin had all played together in various
bands since high school – the other two were added in 1996. All the
band members contribute to songs that appear on the album.

The writing on this disc is honest – sometimes painfully so.
After the release of their debut, the Poets rocketed to instant
success. With that success – as with any success – came the
flatterers — and possible distractions. In “New Man” Johnston and
DeJesus write about that phenomenon:

“Flatterers can fill a room as readily as this/The devil goes to
dinner ‘midst their bliss/Following the need will lead me farther
from truth’s well/Then only to be filled with what I miss/I was
full of everything my eyes put on this plate/Full of joy I’m
needing less of late”

The song is about redemption as well – understanding that
mankind really has nothing of value to present to God. But, by
accepting His forgiveness, the Poets write, all can become new

The Poets titled their new disc
Listen Closely for many good reasons. Sometimes their lyrics
can be a bit symbolic, poetic (hence the name), but they also
didn’t want their fans just enjoying the disc. They want them to
listen closely and probe the words of the songs, focusing on what
God may be saying to them.

And here is where the second disc exceeds the first: the lyrics
are not as obtuse. There’s less symbolic poetry and more lyricism.
To be sure, some of this works on many different levels, but that’s
a good thing. Fortunately, most of the songs work well on the basic
first listen approach, as well.

One song on the disc, “Hold It Up To The Light,” encourages
listeners to take the opportunities that come into their lives and
hold them up to “the Light” of Christ and let Him guide them:

“I said ‘God will you bless this decision/I’m scared, is my life
at stake?’/But I know, if You gave me a vision/Would I never have
reason to use my faith?/Now as soon as I’m moving – my choice is
good/This way comes through right where I prayed that it

From the quality and message of this disc, it seems clear that
the Poets did just that with
Listen Closely – and God did bless their decisions.

Rating: A

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