Liquid Tension Experiment – Riley McDonald

Liquid Tension Experiment
Magna Carta Records, 1998
Reviewed by Riley McDonald
Published on Feb 19, 2004

The truth be told, I’ve never really enjoyed John Petrucci’s
work that much. I always found Dream Theater rather boring, the way
they drag out their songs. However, I had heard some good things
about this band, and when my friend was selling it for $10, I
decided to take it off his hands and give it a spin. I was somewhat
expecting another Dream Theater snooze-fest, but as soon as I slid
it into my CD tray and pressed play, I was blown off my feet by
Petrucci’s blazing tremolo riff in the opening track, “Paradigm
Shift.” I knew I was in for one wild ride.

Liquid Tension Experiment is really a paragon of a supergroup.
Featuring Petrucci on guitar, Mike Portnoy on drums, Jordan Rudess
on keyboards (all three played in Dream Theater) and Tony Levin (of
King Crimson fame) on bass. And, much like their other bands, these
boys are very progressive. The listener is taken on a wild,
roller-coaster ride on this all-instrumental album. It takes you
from the spacey feel of the track “Universal Mind,” to the track
that seems like it was recorded underwater, “Osmosis.”

Some of the greatest guitar material ever is on this album.
After the blitzing intro of “Paradigm Shift,” and the emotional
“Osmosis,” we go to the truly prog track “Kindred Spirits.” All of
these tracks are great, but much like an arc, its zenith is at the
top. That is the fifth track, “Freedom of Speech.” Starting off
with a beautiful keyboard piece, Petrucci builds upon it, with
marvellous guitar leads. Portnoy’s drums are impeccable, and he
really gets the rhythm section up. Then, as we near the 4:30 mark,
Petrucci and Rudess begin to build up the suspense, and then
unleash it all in one fabulous display of instrumental
flawlessness. Petrucci and Rudess continue to show off their
talents by having a little duelling match. Such precision and
extreme skill in this “duelling,” as it’s often called, has not
been utilized so well since Murray and Smith. By the eight-minute
mark, they wind it down to its placid end, with the intro solo also
finishing off the song. Of the many songs I have heard in my life,
this is a head — nay, a whole body above most others.

After that spectacle, we are given another beautiful track in
“State of Grace,” a slow, yet emotional track, and then we’re hit
with another lightning intro riff in “Universal Mind,” which, to
me, helps summarize all the other tracks on the album.

The only problem with this album is tracks four and six. Both
are short tracks, mostly starring Levin and his bass. Now, I’m a
big fan of King Crimson and Levin, but I find these tracks (titled
“The Stretch” and “Chris and Kevin’s Excellent Adventure,”
respectively) to be horribly boring, and a waste of time. It
reminds me of what Yes did on
Fragile, except they had reason to, and I don’t think LTE

The last track on this album is titled “Three Minute Warning.”
For people who haven’t ever seen this album or any of the songs on
it, don’t let the name throw you — the song actually clocks in at
28:31. The back of the case even comes with its own disclaimer,
which reads “Caution: ‘Three Minute Warning’ is not for the
musically faint-hearted, impatient, or critics of the extreme
self-indulgence. If you fall into any of the above categories,
please hit the stop button on your CD player after track #8.” (I
suggest that Mr. Thelen stay away). Self-indulgent indeed, this
track plods along for awhile, with some odd little keyboard notes
over the rhythm section. Petrucci’s guitar finally kicks in at the
three-minute mark (coincidence?) and things start getting
interesting. Rudess’s keyboards pick up, and the rhythm section of
Portnoy and Levin sound better. For the rest of the song, it kind
of drags on, exciting sometimes, boring others. Portnoy’s drumming
really sounds good on here, and Rudess’s keyboards are top-drawer
(like always). Petrucci sounds good as well. Levin shines for some
moments, but is the least prominent of all. Overall, this track is
pretty good, but definitely not the best on this album.

I often find myself comparing this band to its contemporary,
Planet X. Liquid Tension Experiment seem to be more….well,
experimental, with their flying keyboards and guitars, yet sound
more down-to-earth production-wise. If you are a fan of Planet X,
or King Crimson, or Dream Theater-hell, any prog rock/metal group
for that matter, check out this album (and their second release,
creatively titled
Liquid Tension Experiment II) and be captivated by their

Rating: B+

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