Kissing Rock Stars – Christopher Thelen

Kissing Rock Stars
Independent release, 2001
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Apr 25, 2001

Breck Alan confuses me. Part Captain Beefheart, part folk
balladeer, Alan seems to straddle two unique (and polar opposite)
dimensions of pop music. Yet his six-song EP
Kissing Rock Stars manages to walk that line well – and even
dares to attempt to draw these two worlds together.

Granted, such a combination isn’t the easiest thing to get used
to. The opening track “One More Day” proves this, going from a
gently-sung chorus to the vocal growls of the verses. But the more
you listen to this collaboration between Alan and Charles Reeves
(the engineer who, with Alan, plays all the instruments), the more
you realize that they’ve pulled it off. It took guts to tackle such
a combination, and it took talent to succeed. Alan and Reeves
clearly have both.

Other tracks on
Kissing Rock Stars prove this without a doubt. “A Man And
His Beautiful Wife” is a beautiful yet poignant portrait of
unrequited love – and the unlisted acoustic version of this song
runs rings around the already-good electric track. Likewise, “Who”
and “Appropriate” both shine in their own ways, each dealing with
human emotion and desires in different portraits.

About the only track that doesn’t click is “Don’t Mess Around” –
another attempt at merging two distinct worlds of music. It’s not
that this track is a failure; indeed, there are many redeeming
qualities about this song. But Alan just isn’t able to work the
same kind of magic on this one as he did on “One More Day” – and
while it’s not a bad song, it isn’t quite in the same league as
other tracks on
Kissing Rock Stars.

I don’t know whether
Kissing Rock Stars was supposed to be a concept piece, or if
Alan intentionally went out to write an EP on love and the human
condition. Whatever the case, Alan makes a strong case as both a
songwriter and a musician, and proves he is supposed to be a
paradox in the present-day world of custom-molded music. Here’s
hoping we’ll hear a full-length project from Alan in the near

For more information, please visit

Rating: B+

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