Kingdom Come – Michael Ehret

Kingdom Come
re:think Records, 1999
Reviewed by Michael Ehret
Published on Jul 9, 1999

It’s been three years since Charlie Peacock released his last
strangelanguage. In between, he filled the time with some
producing chores, a nine-month sabbatical, and authoring the book
At The Crossroads, a look at the current state and future
direction of this thing called contemporary Christian music.

Where the book was a little disjointed and hard to follow in
places, there is no such problem with Peacock’s latest effort,
Kingdom Come. This piece of art hangs together musically,
thematically, and theologically. The songwriting and musicianship
are top notch, with help from Bela Fleck, Darwin Hobbs, Kenny
Greenberg and, unless my ears fail me, Christine Dente, among

In his book, Peacock wrote that the industry driving the talent
in contemporary Christian music (CCM) misdirects them to write and
produce songs that sell. The goals of Christian music are no
different from the goals of those in the secular music business,
Peacock claims.

“From music to ministry, CCM takes its cues from the world.”


“In the beginning, the CCM industry came alongside the artists,
and the artists looked to the industry to equip them for their
various missions and callings. Now CCM looks to the artists to
adjust to the corporation’s mission — their calling. The
relationship between artists and equipper has become, as they say,
a case of the tail wagging the dog.”

Kingdom Come, which he also produced, Peacock’s vision, his
idea of just what his ministry is, is presented with crystalline
clarity. It boils down to this: God’s kingdom is everywhere and as
His people, we should be everywhere as well.

In the tune, Peacock sings: “I keep forgetting that nothing’s
really as it seems/’cause everything’s got to, got to be
redeemed./I want to see your story become my dreams./Your kingdom
come, your will be done/It’s so much more than I can see./It’s been
before, it’s yet to be/Your kingdom’s born inside of me.”

According to Peacock, God’s kingdom has been here always, is
here now, and will yet come — that’s a tough concept to get your
brain around, but the song makes it easy. Christians shouldn’t be
waiting for the kingdom to come but should be living as if it’s
already here — because it is.

Kingdom Come calls listeners to catch a glimpse of the
Kingdom of God and their place in it. The kingdom is so far away
from how we live, Peacock says, that to experience it would be
strange — we wouldn’t recognize it if we saw it.

Many Christians have been taught since their early Sunday School
lessons what God’s kingdom would be like — and still it’s strange.
In the song “Wouldn’t It Be Strange” Peacock takes all of those
Sunday School lessons and combines them.

“Wouldn’t it be strange if power made you weak?/Victory came to
those who turned the other cheek?/Wouldn’t it be strange to welcome
your defeat?/Wouldn’t it be strange to find out in the end/the
first will be the last and all the losers win?/Wouldn’t it be
strange if Jesus came again?/Wouldn’t it be strange?”

Power = weakness. Victory = submission. First = last. Winning =

Put this up against the whole Michael Jordan/Nike “Just Do It”
attitude so prevalent in our society today and one can begin to see
why it is hard to recognize the kingdom of God when it’s staring
you right in the face.

Musically, this disc, like other Peacock projects, touches many
different musical bases. “Kingdom Come” and “Wouldn’t It Be
Strange” are pop-rock singles-in-waiting. There’s some jazz
influences in “The Night Won’t Last Forever;” worship textures in
“Is The Brightness Still In Me.”

Beatles influences are plentiful and there are some really
interesting instrumental and rhythm turns being taken. Peacock’s
voice sounds fuller and more mature, similar to his vocal work on
the Coram Deo projects.

Other highlights: “Is The Brightness Still In Me,” a
self-examination, self-critique that asks if the “brightness” of
salvation and faith is still shining; “Don’t Be Afraid,” a rocking
tune urging listeners to lose their fears and make themselves
available to whatever God sends their way; and, “Genius In The
Details,” a call to see God in the details of the world.

Peacock writes in “Don’t Be Afraid”: “All I want to do is
inspire you to/live like you belong to God./Making every day,
choices lived in light of never-ending grace and love.” With this
project he makes a convincing argument — and in a setting that
entertains besides.

Rating: A

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