Keep Winning – Chris Harlow

Keep Winning
Goldhead Music, 2003
Reviewed by Chris Harlow
Published on Feb 16, 2005

Rooted somewhere between a frenzied punk rock output and a more
straightforward rock n’ roll sound, the Retardos accomplish what
many other Scandinavian bands seem to be doing so well these days.
That’s putting out a punk n’ roll album that isn’t overly complex
to digest and doesn’t pain the ears to listen to.

Keep Winning is the Retardos’ second album and reminds me of
another Oslo band that disintegrated around the time this album
came out — Hellride — with its unpretentious style of delivery.
So, I guess this should explain former Hellride members Pete Evil
and Pete Bosse lending some backing vocal help on this album. (I
swear that I wrote the first sentence of this paragraph before I
first cracked open the CD jacket to discover my uncanny knack in
linking the two bands!)

Mix in the fact that the guitar tones sound as if they were
magically mixed in an empty trash dumpster and the Retardos have
successfully captivated that dirty rock n’ roll sound that has
recently propelled many recent Scandinavian bands like Gluecifer,
the Peepshows, and Psychopunch into the western European rock
scene’s stream of current consciousness.

Another fact that always makes me smirk is the proclivity of
bands from this northern region of the world to come up with
souped-up stage names that aim to cement the band’s image through
their likeness. As if there was any doubt that even the most naive
music fan couldn’t figure out the punk n’ roll correlation between
a vocalist named Andy Apeman, a drummer named George Gorilla, and a
band named the Retardos while perusing the record bin, the band
finds the need to take it one step further in naming the first
single “Apeman,” presumably after their singer. Good thing the song
doesn’t disappoint, as there’s a good size guitar loop protecting
the primitive apeman chorus.

In looking back on the band’s self-titled debut and realizing
that album’s spot-on punk recording, the Retardos successfully
throttle back the tempo ever so slightly on the majority of songs,
which turns
Keep Winning into an evolved effort despite the comically
juvenile tendencies I have just exposed.

This evolution is punctuated by the track “Sunshine Coming Out
of my Ass” – a song that has that halted tempo, Fu Manchu-type
stoner rock backline working throughout the song. I’m not sure what
the motivation for recording this track might have been because it
is quite the departure from anything the Retardos have done up
until this point, but admittedly, it works. As a stoner-type rock
track, I get equal sensations in matching boogie van images from
the ’70s with a realization that the Kelly Leak types from the era
would embrace the lyrical content the song title propagates. Good
work for a group that probably doesn’t even know that Chico was
ever in the bail bond business.

The rest of the album remains decidedly upbeat and is benefited
by the tempo arrangements commonly associated with punk n’ roll.
So, I’ll dish out credit in that
Keep Winning is an album title prophetic for what is heard
on this release — namely 11 tracks that exhibit an honest, albeit
addictive passion to make you want to hear more. The brief (30
minutes) run time may just be the one shortcoming of this

Rating: B+

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