If On A Winter’s Night… – Mark Millan

If On A Winter's Night…
Cherry Tree Records, 2009
Reviewed by Mark Millan
Published on Dec 24, 2009

Rather than join the cavalcade of pop and rock stars who have recorded Christmas albums, Sting chose to record an album of songs based on his favorite season: the winter. It is a little Christmas-y in spirit, but what stands out to me is that Sting has released a glorious album that you could file under “world music.” It is full of traditional and original songs that are among his strongest in years. He wisely amassed a group of stellar musicians to bring these gems to life, and his own singing is truly inspired here. 

The hardest task for me in reviewing this album is selecting the best of the fifteen songs to talk about because they are all so different and, quite frankly, brilliant, that I don’t really want to leave any out. However, instead of a long and rambling review to cover each song (been there, done that), I’ll keep it short and sweet. 

On songs like “Soul Cake” and “The Burning Babe,” the record gets as close to pop as it ever does. The expert band delivers inspired, infectious arrangements that fit the mood of the more traditional material really well. 

For obvious reasons, Sting chose to rework his own “The Hounds Of Winter” (a song that I consider to be his best) into a slower, more morbid (if that’s possible) version that again fits in so well, it sounds ages older than it is. Another gem, “Christmas At Sea” (essentially a duet with co-writer Mary Macmaster), is given a beautifully rich arrangement that, apart from some deft percussion, is an all strings affair, including harps, violins, and several guitars. 

Another original song, “Lullaby For An Anxious Child” (by Sting and longtime cohort Dominic Miller), is again one of Sting’s strongest songs for years. He weaves a tender poem about the love for a child around gentle groove that works a treat. “The Hurdy-Gurdy Man” – not the Donovan song but a traditional German ditty that is just as disturbing –adds some drama into the mix, as does the glorious “Cold Song.” 

“Gabriel’s Message” is both unique and accessible and finds Sting stretching his talents – probably more so here than any other song on the record. It was a brave move to use it to open the record, but being the least Sting-like song here, he possibly felt it necessary. 

Like I said before, I could have babbled on and on about what a fantastic album this is, but suffice to say, if you’re wanting something different to play at Christmastime, then If On A Winter’s Night… could very well be for you.

Rating: A

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