i am an ELASTIC FIRECRACKER – Pete Crigler

Island Records, 1995
Reviewed by Pete Crigler
Published on Nov 24, 2014

With their second record, Dallas Texas’ prodigal sons Tripping Daisy burst into the mainstream with the quirky hit “I Got A Girl.” The song became the band’s calling card, whether they wanted it to or not. But the song was just one facet of a multifaceted album that showed the band’s true colors.

“Rocketpop,” the opening track, bursts out of the speakers with a blast of energy and loud guitars courtesy of Wes Berggren. Tim DeLaughter’s vocals spark the song up and make it one of the band’s most colorful tracks. “I Got A Girl,” which now sounds a bit dated but still kind of fun, is one of those songs like “Stars” by Hum or “She Don’t Use Jelly” by Flaming Lips that was quirky and weird twenty years ago but now takes on the air of a ‘90s alt rock radio classic.

“Raindrop” is one of those perfect little pop songs from the ‘90s that manages to stand the test of time. Tripping Daisy was just one of a plethora of Texas-based bands trying to grab the golden goose, also known as major label superiority. Many of them crashed and burned, but because of songs like “Raindrop,” the Daisy was able to break free from the pack and make an impression upon a lot of listeners, this writer included.

“Piranha” is one of those tracks that just doesn’t stand out or do anything, really. It just kind of limps along unable to reach its full potential. Several tracks on the record are that way, but the band saves their best trick for near the end of the record.

“Prick” is a close to ten minute track about drugs and, Yeesus Christ, is this song a smokin’ sonuva bitch! From DeLaughter’s vocals to the amazing work of Bryan Wakeland on drums and Mark Pirro on bass, this song has got everything! But the greatest standout is Wes Berggren; Wes, whom I’ve been told was never much for guitar solos as it did not fit the vibe of the music, pours his heart out on one of the greatest solos I’ve ever heard. The track ends with euphoric jubilation as if the band already knew they’d recorded one of the greatest songs of their career.

Unfortunately, two albums later, Wes was dead of a drug overdose and the band ended. But their manic energy is still alive and well with DeLaughter and Pirro’s Polyphonic Spree. All in all, this album feels like a great time capsule of mid-‘90s alternative rock, and that’s always a good thing.

Rating: B

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