Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With – Mark Kadzielawa

Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With
Sanctuary Records, 2002
Reviewed by Mark Kadzielawa
Published on Nov 8, 2002

This is supposed to be a mini album, but the length of this disc
is over 30 minutes. There are bands that release
full-length albums that are shorter than this. So, take it
as you will. It feels like an album, but it generally isn’t treated
as such.

The cover of the disc shows a family sitting in front of TV with
what appears to be a lottery ticket. They’re hoping to improve
their lives, or move to a different class, yet they look very calm
meaning that they not unhappy being where they’re at. The more I
look at the packaging of this disc, the more clues I get. Isn’t art

Musically, King Crimson is always at least a step or two ahead
of everyone else. After a first listen, this recording sounds very
typical and Crimsonish, no surprises. With each additional listen,
you can sonically observe there’s a lot going on. In many ways to
get the true meaning of King Crimson recording, you have to sit
there, listen, and attempt to decode all of the instrumental
movements to truly get the full picture. Their albums always were,
and always will be, challenging to a listener; in a way that’s what
makes them beautiful and full of secrets. King Crimson is also a
band that leaves a lot to interpret, leaving the listener searching
for the clues and conclusions.

Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With goes through many
musical moods and swings. It’s an album that starts from sounding
very extreme, especially the title track, to being very peaceful,
and flowing. In many ways, this music could be looked at as very
strange and misunderstood, but it also reflects the people who made
it, and they certainly appear that way at times.

King Crimson is a band that makes very uncompromising music
destined for people who don’t respond well to simplicity offered by
what’s out on the contemporary market these days.

Rating: A

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