Give Us A Kiss! – Duke Egbert

Give Us A Kiss!
Love And Anarchy Records, 2002
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Feb 14, 2003

T. Thorn Coyle kicks ass.

Let’s get that out of the way. One expects a protest singer to
be somewhat mild-mannered and politically correct, but Coyle’s work
on her new CD
Give Us A Kiss! is edgy, angry, and powerful — the bastard
child of an improbable mating of Phil Ochs and Joan Jett. Coyle
walks the walk as well as talking the talk; she is involved in
several political activism and protest organizations, and proceeds
from this CD went to support several organizations (who are listed
below; check ’em out).

But when it comes down to it, T. Thorn Coyle rocks out as well.
This is a powerful, anthemic CD, full of shatteringly strong music;
it’s edgy, it’s grungy, and it’s an absolute delight. Coyle also
lends her voice to celebrations of her Pagan religion; the opening
a cappella piece, “Song To The Secret Name Of The Star Goddess,” is

Production on the CD is good; the guitars are tight and Coyle’s
voice is clear and expressive. There are a couple of moments when
percussion is lost in the mix, but they’re few and far between. The
musicians’ performances are excellent, especially the churning
guitar of Jim Lively.

There are a lot of highlights on this disc. “Raucous Yes!” is a
fervent, passionate call to action and political change. “Angola”
is a chilling indictment of the racism and injustice in the prison
system, with Coyle’s impassive voice reading a list of federal
prisons like an indictment. “Zion” should be the National Anthem;
the sheer, openminded passion for liberty in it is exhilarating.
Coyle’s quirky, throaty rendition of Leonard Cohen’s “First We Take
Manhattan” is great, and the mournful wistfulness of “Song For
Siripongs” remains with you long after the song is over.

T. Thorn Coyle is a force to be reckoned with, a primal,
elemental musician who can both deliver a message and give it
teeth. Check out
Give Us A Kiss!.

Organizations benefiting from sales of this CD:

Reclaiming — The Ruckus Society — Art And Revolution — The Prison Ashram Foundation —

T. Thorn Coyle’s Web site —

Rating: A

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