Galaxies – Pete Crigler

Woodhenge Records, 2017
Reviewed by Pete Crigler
Published on Feb 7, 2017

On the debut solo album by former Breaking Benjamin guitarist Aaron Fink, he sticks to what he knows best: rock songs with hooks. But unfortunately, he is only an adequate singer with not quite enough power or range to really pull off the material, and that’s what makes this just an okay record.

“Lovelight” has got some good riffs and a good solo going for it, but it sounds just average, like a pop-rock song from 2002; there’s nothing much special about it. The averageness of the disc really comes across on “Left It Alone,” which feels like a bar band just starting to play their own songs. Just okay, really. It’s nothing else, just okay.

The downtempo ballad “The World Has Other Plans” is quite decent with some nice piano playing and some good guitar work. It’s about the only song here that really sounds great and is suited for Fink’s vocal style. “Skies Above,” on the other hand, is completely skippable. Just everything about it is weak and would’ve been better off on the cutting room floor.

Overall, with songs like “Galaxies” and “Long Live The King,” Fink has revealed his true limitations. Bravo for being able to put your music out there and hoping someone will undoubtedly enjoy it, but it’s just not up to par with modern music. While there is some great guitar work all throughout this disc, it just doesn’t have the same type of power as other wannabes singer/songwriters. There is not much to recommend on this disc, but if you’re looking for some average rock and/or roll, then this might just be the disc for you.

Rating: C-

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