Forgiven, Not Forgotten – Tammy Childs

Forgiven, Not Forgotten
Atlantic, 1995
Reviewed by Tammy Childs
Published on Feb 21, 2005

Some families are just musically inclined, and have been for
generations — like the Corrs.

The Corr children — three sisters and a brother — were raised
in a community full of pubs and live music; both parents played
ballads and folk tunes in local bands. With encouragement at home,
the children soon began to participate in their own musical way.
Jim learned piano, keyboards and guitar. Sharon began on the piano
and advanced to the violin. Caroline mastered the complicated
bodhran and the drums. Andrea, like the other children, was taught
the piano, but because everyone was always fighting over the piano,
she pursued the tin whistle (a small Irish flute), and added her
vocals to the wealth of family talents.

Eventually the flourishing talents of the four children
culminated into the group The Corrs. Classified as an Irish
pop-rock band, they blend the traditional with the modern. They are
proud of the results although they continue to try to rise above
the self-imposed standards.

Their sound is unique and was well-received by this reviewer.
Forgiven, Not Forgotten — their first album — went
multi-platinum in Canada, Ireland, Australia, Spain, New Zealand,
Denmark and the UK, and gold almost everywhere else.

As I listened to this album, I realized that although their pop
sound is energetic and fun to experience, it is the Irish
instrumental pieces that I prefer. Thankfully, there are quite a
few on this release.

“Erin Shore” opens and closes the album, first with a brief
glimpse into the Irish heritage, and then finishing with a more
lengthy, vibrant, heady version. Caroline’s drum work here is
outstanding — I played the closing cut over and over. Another
favorite was “The Minstrel Boy.” The music reminded me of walking
through lush pastures in the countryside of Ireland. The simple
tune broadens and matures into a beautifully orchestrated melody.
“Carraroe Jig” is the epitome of the Irish pub song — in my head I
pictured men and women frolicking happily with a pint in their
hands and a smile on their faces.

In the pop category, “Runaway” is vocally strong due to the
harmonies, but I thought their sound on “The Right Time” were a bit
cheesy and too shrill for my liking.

As a whole I do like this album. The Corrs are obviously a
talented family; their musical range is praiseworthy, and I
appreciate the fact that they unite their heritage with today’s
newer sounds. As a first glimpse into this group I found
Forgiven, Not Forgotten to be entertaining and quite easy to

Rating: B-

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