Forgiven, Not Forgotten – Alfredo Narvaez

Forgiven, Not Forgotten
Atlantic, 1995
Reviewed by Alfredo Narvaez
Published on Jun 15, 1998

Most people would be asking themselves, “who the heck are these
people?” Those that knew would ask, “what’s this doing in here?” I
agree. This album,
Forgiven, Not Forgotten, would look better in my brother’s
collection – and it does – but, I’m the one who owns it.

For those that don’t know, The Corrs are a sisters and brother
group hailing from Ireland. They mix in Celtic sounds with strongly
built pop to create moody and beautiful music.

This album starts with an instrumental piece before leading into
the title-track. Both depressing and uplifting, this song deals
with broken relationships. The next song, “Heaven Knows,” is a
prettier version – and I mean pretty. You want to sing with this
song, until you realize that it’s about someone singing about the
one that got away and is with someone else.

Other highlights include the prettier (and nicer) “Runaway,” the
delicate “Closer” and the independent “Leave Me Alone.” The album
ends on a longer version of the opening instrumental. Along the
way, other instrumental pieces pepper the album and remind you of
the Irish influences in their music.

Now, why would I say that such a beautiful album does not belong
in my music collection? By nature, I tend to shun the poppier
albums to be found in the racks of music stores. Pretty? Uplifting?
I don’t know, but I find I squirm and run from anything with those
qualities. The reality is that this album gets under you and you
will start singing.

The Corrs just put a new album out. I don’t know if I’ll get it
– but, if I do, I hope it’s just as good as this one. Even big,
burly, guys need to be reminded that they’re romantic softies. This
album does that.

Rating: A

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