Forever Your Girl – Christopher Thelen

Forever Your Girl
Virgin Records, 1988
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Apr 28, 2002

It’s a cop-out to merely write off
Forever Your Girl, the 1988 debut from former Lakers
cheerleader Paula Abdul, as mere pop fluff. After all, pop music
was pretty much fluff-filled at this point, with acts like Milli
Vanilli, New Kids On The Block and Vanilla Ice all burning up the
charts at different times. Abdul’s work was more of a period piece,
when seen in that light, so who could really blame her if she
didn’t want to go against the grain with her first effort? Besides,
she had done some dancing work with Janet Jackson, so it wasn’t
that Abdul was under-qualified to create dance-oriented pop.

In truth,
Forever Your Girl is fluff – but relatively harmless (if not
annoying at times). Abdul isn’t much of a singer, though the team
she has to help craft the songs sometimes help to propel them
farther than she could alone.

Abdul sometimes reminds me of Debbie Gibson – dance music in her
soul, but not always sure how to deliver the goods. (At least
Gibson wrote her own music at times; Abdul only gets one co-writing
credit.) But Gibson at least had a decent set of pipes to get her
messages across; Abdul comes off as nasally and thin.

This isn’t to say that the entire album is doomed to failure.
The title track is enjoyable enough, a light slice of pop-dom that
is pleasing to the ear and even has moments where it’s
well-written. Abdul seems most at home on a track like this, which
could easily have been turned into strictly a pop track with the
right mixing. (Cripes, don’t get me started about re-mixing; I
already have the review to
Shut Up And Dance in the can. If I ever suggest I want to
listen to that tape again, someone kill me.) And while it’s not the
greatest example of pop music from its time period, “Knocked Out”
isn’t a bad song either.

There are, however, some serious clunkers on
Forever Your Girl. “Next To You,” the attempt at a power-pop
ballad, fails from almost the first note; Abdul neither has the
material to make this work nor the rounded talent. (You’d think
that she could have cashed in a favor to Miss Janet.) “One Or The
Other,” the only song which lists Abdul as a co-writer, has
absolutely no depth or musical development to carry it past the
first 30 seconds of the track. And “Straight Up” and “Cold Hearted”
are in a dead heat for worst song of this genre for the ’80s.
Christ, there are a few Milli Vanilli songs I’d rather listen to
for eternity in Valhalla.

As light-weight as power-pop is, I do enjoy listening to it at
times just to clear out the pipes and find out what’s going on in
the commercial world.
Forever Your Girl has a few enjoyable moments, and it’s a
relatively harmless way to spend 44 minutes, but like a lot of
bubblegum pop, it sometimes is too sugary for its own good and
lacks any real consistency.

Rating: C

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