Forever Sounds – Pete Crigler

Forever Sounds
Shake It Records, 2016
Reviewed by Pete Crigler
Published on Apr 2, 2016

Simply put, Wussy is one of the great American rock bands of the 21st century. Led by Chuck Cleaver (ex-Ass Ponys) and Lisa Walker, the band has released their eagerly anticipated new disc and boy, is it something. It’s hard to find an American rock band that’s out now with lyrics and melodies as deep as Wussy’s. They are just one of these bands that only come along once in a blue moon.

Lisa Walker’s voice is one of the best qualities of the band, particularly on the deep and dense “Dropping Houses,” which sounds like Wussy of old. The almost eerie “Donny’s Death Scene” is another great track; its storytelling vibe reminds me of Ass Ponys circa 1994 – and that’s a fantastic thing. The only negative thing about the record is the production, which sounds incredibly dense (at least on this promo CD) and almost punishes the listener if they’re listening too loud.

“Hello, I’m A Ghost” is one of Chuck Cleaver’s showcases on the record. Very poppy and rife with a lot of guitars, it’s one of the clearest tracks here and one of the most memorable of the year so far. Other tracks like “Sidewalk Sale” and “Hand Of God” are just decent but don’t really do all that much for me. But hey, every song can’t be a winner.

“Better Days” comes across as a bittersweet, melancholy love song, and that’s one of the things that really make Wussy shine. The depth of the lyrics and the performances by Lisa and Chuck really rise above all the mediocre rock bands out there and help to make Wussy one of the best.

“Majestic-12” is a really great showcase for Lisa and one of the album’s defining tracks.

Wussy has returned with one of their most unique and different records of their career and one of the most exciting and all-around interesting rock records of the year.

Rating: B

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