Flowers Of Evil – Christopher Thelen

Flowers Of Evil
Windfall Records, 1971
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Jan 24, 1997

Have you ever found yourself in a position where you like
something, but you can’t explain why?

I’m in that position with today’s selection from the depths of
the Pierce Memorial Archives (don’t sneeze, you’ll disturb the
bats), and this slab of Woodstock from Mountain.
Flowers Of Evil is outdated, simplistic, overblown, and at
times pompous. But I can’t help liking this one, despite the scars
of time that it bears.

This four-piece (who
did play at Woodstock, thank you very much) was led by
guitarist Leslie West, a humongous man with a powerful voice and an
equally powerful guitar style. Also leading the band was
bassist/vocalist Felix Pappalardi, whose style could be compared to
that of Cream, a band he co-produced before their breakup.
Keyboardist Steve Knight and drummer Corky Laing round out the

The title track of this one is a bombastic piece of work, with
West’s booming vocals and leads taking over the verses and
Pappalardi’s nasally backing vocals filling the chorus. The playing
is flawless, though the hidden drug theme is out of date today –
now our artists are out in the open about the stuff. Still, the
pure power of the playing makes this one a track I love to go back
to again and again.

The other standout track on this one is “Crossroader,” a song
that brings to mind the ghosts of Cream. Pappalardi takes over the
lead vocals (as he does for the remainder of the first side),
though his vocals prove he’s no Eric Clapton – or Jack Bruce, for
that matter. (Sadly, Pappalardi was gunned down by his wife, Gail
Collins, in 1983.)

Pappalardi’s moment of glory is the overblown “Pride And
Passion” – if you’re patient enough to get through the first two
minutes of experimental doodlings, you won’t be disappointed. The
same can’t be said, though, for “One Last Cold Kiss,” a song about
swan love – today’s word of the day is “pompous.”

The second side, for the most part, is s throwaway – a live set
featuring a portion of “One Last Cold Kiss,” a rambling and
pointless cover of “Roll Over Beethoven” and a good performance of
“Dreams Of Milk And Honey.” The closing track is a live version of
the band’s best-known song, “Mississippi Queen.” This was a funny
decision, seeing that their next album was a live one.

But Chris, you’re saying, if you’re so critical about
Flowers Of Evil, how can you say you like it? The answer,
chilluns, is simple: the first side has so many good performances
that make this one worth the effort – and it earns a place in the
Archives near the door, allowing me easy access to it.

Is this album dated? Oh, yes. Is Mountain for everybody? I don’t
think so. Is
Flowers Of Evil worth checking out? Well, at least the first
side is. (The album has recently been re-released on Legacy /
Columbia Records.)

Rating: B-

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