Flaming Pie – George Agnos

Flaming Pie
Capitol Records, 1997
Reviewed by George Agnos
Published on Apr 3, 1998

In the liner notes of Paul McCartney’s latest pop album
Flaming Pie, he speaks of how working on the Beatles
Anthology made him want to create a new album up to the standards
of those great Beatles albums. I was relieved to hear this because
when Paul actually puts some effort to his music, good things
happen and this album is no exception.

While he was not quite successful in making a great album, he
sure came pretty darn close. There is nothing in this collection
that is going to hit anyone as hard as “Hey Jude”, “Yesterday” or
“Eleanor Rigby” but most of the songs are well written, melodically
and lyrically, and well played by Paul on a multitude of
instruments, with able support by Jeff Lynne, Steve Miller, Ringo
Starr, and on one cut, his son James on electric guitar.

He has not written this many good ballads in a long time:
“Beautiful Night” is a romantic tune that sounds like it could be
in a broadway musical. “Calico Skies” recalls some of his sweet,
folkish White Album tunes. “Souvenir” is a passionate R&B
ballad, sort of like “Oh! Darling” without the tongue and
cheekiness. “Sometimes,” a bittersweet number with a string
arrangement from former Beatles producer George Martin, recalls his
great ballads, and with another rewrite could have been one.
“Heaven On A Sunday” is a pleasant light-jazz number. And what can
I say about “Young Boy” except that it is just plain catchy.

But this isn’t just a collection of ballads. This album proves
wrong anyone who thinks McCartney can’t rock anymore. “The World
Tonight” is a tough, rhythm-oriented rocker relevant for today. The
title tune is a fun, bluesy number, and so is “Used To Be Bad,” a
duet with Steve Miller who provides some tasty guitar licks and a
playful vocal. McCartney really jams on the bass on “Really Love
You,” a song that plays like an extended version of “Come

The lyrics have a wistful feel of someone looking back on a
great life. “The Songs We Are Singing” is about hanging out with
his friends, talking and making music. “Calico Skies” recalls the
sixties protest movement, and
Flaming Pie is a reference that John Lennon had jokingly
made about how they got the name Beatles: in a vision from a man on
a flaming pie.

And this is the key to the album’s success because by looking
back, McCartney mustered enough of the John Lennon within himself
to make this a thoughtful album. Welcome back, Paul.

Rating: B+

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