Figure In A Landscape – Christopher Thelen

Figure In A Landscape
Gold Circle Records, 2001
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Nov 8, 2001

What’s more important: amazing record sales or artistic

If you really think about this, it’s not as stupid of a question
as you might think. Sure, an artist might top the Billboard charts,
but how often are they the ones calling the shots when it comes to
their music? On the other side of the coin, artists whose sales are
nowhere near monumental status often are allowed the room to
develop their music as they think it should be, not what a group of
suits in an office thinks will sell. So while these discs might
remain cult classics, they often represent the best works of that
artist’s career.

Let’s call John Waite front and center – thanks to two readers
who suggested we take a look at
Figure In A Landscape, Waite’s latest release.
(Editor’s note: Since this review first appeared, Gold Circle
Records has closed its doors.)
Granted, I hadn’t followed
Waite’s career for the longest time – there was a point in the ’80s
where I became ill after hearing “Missing You” for the thousandth
time in a day.

But to merely write Waite off as a remnant of the ’80s – or even
as an antique, arena rocker thanks to his stint with Bad English –
never allows you to discover Waite the songwriter… and what a
fine songwriter he proves to be.
Figure In A Landscape is an album which has no formulas
concocted in a boardroom by people who know less about music than
my unborn children. Waite has no agenda other than to make the best
album he can and to stay true to himself. With only a short lag,
Waite passes this test with flying colors, and has released quite
possibly the best album of his career. Pity that more people won’t
take the time to discover it. (Then again, who knows; maybe you’ll
be inspired to give it a shot after reading this, and it will
multiply like that ad for shampoo from the ’70s.)

Daring to take on the duality of love and loss – often in the
context of the same song – Waite bares his soul for 48 minutes, and
with the assistance of a powerful rhythm section, he begins
cranking out quality song after quality song. These are not tracks
that will become hits – but it’s not because they’re bad, or
because Waite has forsaken a pop mindframe. It’s merely because
people won’t take a chance with Waite, be they consumers or
mainstream radio.

And this, kids, is what we call a God-Damn Shame. I can count at
least six songs on
Figure In A Landscape which could easily become tracks which
could wake up Waite’s commercial appeal. Whether it’s the happy pop
of “Keys To Your Heart,” the light spiritual musings of “Godhead”
or the existential pain in songs like “Thinking About You”
(complete with one catchy chorus), “Whenever You Come Around” or
“Masterpiece Of Loneliness,” Waite proves he’s still a viable force
to be reckoned with in the world of album oriented rock, or even
adult contemporary.

Waite’s vocals have smoothed out over time, and age has only
served to make his delivery that much more powerful, as songs like
“Always Be Your Man,” a song which proclaims one’s undying devotion
to their partner despite some obvious turbulence in their
relationship, bear witness to. Listen to “Always Be Your Man” and
claim you’re not affected by the raw, unpolished emotion. Listen to
“NYC Girl” and try not to hope that the story will end happily.
Listen to “Masterpiece Of Loneliness” and try not to be moved by
the emotional rollercoaster that Waite paints with words. The
simple fact is, you can’t.

Only at one point does the energy seem to ebb – namely, on the
track “New Thing”. For some reason, this one particular number just
doesn’t feel like it belongs with the stark nakedness of the
remaining tracks, and this one difference only serves to weaken its
power. Chances are, had it been placed on a different album, I’d be
singing its praises. Such is the fickle finger of the music

One can only hope that this same fickle finger will point
towards Waite and lead him back into the spotlight, as
Figure In A Landscape suggests he never should have been
ignored for rhis long a time. Even if Waite doesn’t gain millions
of sales for this disc, he can take some comfort in the fact that
he’s created a damned fine effort that is worthy of far more
greatness than will be presented to him. Of course, if it does top
the charts, that’s all gravy, too.

Rating: A-

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