Eyes Wide Open – Tammy Childs

Eyes Wide Open
Sweet Briar Music, 2000
Reviewed by Tammy Childs
Published on Aug 12, 2005

Coming out of the Netherlands, this frothy group performs the
music of jazz musician Ad Colen, the band’s namesake saxophone
player and main songwriter, but that does not necessarily mean they
are jazz-oriented.

But this CD is, as Colen realized the direction he wanted to
move after touring for a year with “Up With People.” He, along with
Rob van Bavel on piano, Erik Robaard on double bass and Chris Strik
on drums, create a jazz disc alternating between slower pieces that
showcase their talent and frenetic faster pieces that are just a
bit too frantic.

“Massive Move” is dramatic and theatrical, expressively
highlighting the horns, moving into a simplistic piano presentation
and then ending with the horns again. “Moments” slows down the
exuberant nature a bit and provides subtlety with romantic flair.
Although still lively and with a generous amount of energy, the
band gathers those fragmented pieces to form a cohesive

“Bad Motha” made me think of a whole different genre than jazz,
and I still can’t figure out why Colen chose that name for this
song. Is this supposed to be the hardcore side of jazz? Not likely,
although the piano work is expressive and the drum work makes an
excellent companion. Also noteworthy is the warm and syrupy “Sweet
Briar,” the best of the collection in that it proudly showcases the
sax abilities of Colen. I prefer the softer choices like this, as
this is where his true talent proves itself.

“Eyes Wide Open” is a frantic, frenzied number and not to my
liking. The fragments are a bit too shattered, as they are in “Mind
Twist.” But I accept this as the nature of jazz and it doesn’t
diminish my feelings for the album as a whole.

Colen wants to have a conversation with his listeners and he
believes in improvisation, a quality perfect for jazz. With jazz
there is room for experimentation and movement, and he isn’t afraid
to approach either with fervor. Colen has said he makes music
because he can’t create art, but it is art that he creates on this
CD, making a picture with the notes that is not unlike walking
through an art gallery.

I have always found jazz to be somewhat exhausting — trying to
grasp at the loose notes and trying to connect the moving musical
dots, so to speak, is tiring. But this CD is quite the opposite. It
is animated and peppy but doesn’t wear the listener down. Ad
Colen’s complicated, multi-level talent is what makes
Eyes Wide Open fun.

Rating: B-

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