Eyes In The Sky (EP) – Luke Adams

Eyes In The Sky (EP)
Independent release, 2008
Reviewed by Luke Adams
Published on Jun 14, 2008

The year was 1985, and the much hyped revolution in music caused by video was in full force; consumers became well aware that in some cases, bands that looked good on film generally sounded terrible on a turntable. 1985 was a year of an overload of style and too little substance, a year where the majority of albums contained one or two passable songs and a collection of shit. It was a year where blended styles were thrust upon the world as many complained and traditionalists wept. Still, the year was not a complete waste when it came to its additions to the world of music; in 1985, four infant boys were born amid a surrounding of terrible fashion, lacklustre tunes, and somewhat uninspiring charity songs.

Fast forward 18 years, and by some miracle, these four boys have survived to become the founding members of Masons Edge. The group formed in 2003 boasting an explosive combination of melodic metal and heavy rock that grabbed Melbourne’s music scene by the balls forcing them to sit up and take notice.

The addition of a second guitarist and fifth Mason in 2005 resulted in a slicker polish for the band, which provided their audience with huge powerhouse sounds that would carve it up live.

“Fragile Moment” and “Draw The Curtains” act as very slick and polished book ends to Eyes In The Sky, their latest EP. Both contain thick, satisfying guitar and sweet soaring harmonies, while “Fragile Moment” provides fans with an anthemic chorus and catchy crew-style vocals and “Draw The Curtains” is an incredibly intelligent and appealing song. Still, that is not to say that what lies between these two killer tracks is at all sub-par.

Songs such as “A Bright Lit Room” and “Eyes In the Sky” may owe as much to Sevendust as they do to Metallica; they also feature incredibly smart vocals and complex song structures, two aspects that that really set Masons Edge apart from other up-and-coming acts.

The production on this EP is incredibly impressive, although I can’t help but wish that they had put as much effort into the album configuration as they did their high-quality songs; “Binary Code,” “Diamonds Cut Diamonds,” and “A Bright Lit Room” all prove too similar to follow each other on this otherwise exceptional album. “The Protagonist” and “Draw The Curtains” provide both a welcome change of pace and style as well as an inspired conclusion to the disc. And with such a strong finish, one can be forgiven for anything.

Citing influences that range from Metallica and Faith No More to Sevendust, Korn, and Pearl Jam, the impact of those who inspired the group resonates in their powerhouse sounds, which provide their audience with an original style of new metal that is not only melodious and forceful but also really well thought-out. Their power chorus riffs are littered with an unexpected sensitivity, which is a rare yet altogether welcome find in today’s music.

It would prove a difficult task for anyone to capture such an energetic, physical, and visual band in just seven tracks. One could liken it to capturing all of Europe in just a single photograph – it will never do it justice- but Eyes In The Sky does not disappoint. When you are fortunate enough to listen to and enjoy this EP… you should see them live! Masons Edge thrive on their energetic but tight performances that always stay right in your face.

An escape from deep emotional turmoil or a celebration of weirdness, you can consider Masons Edge however you want: humble, unassuming, but…well, mad dogs. One thing is for certain, though: Eyes In The Sky will provide you with something that you will genuinely identify with, and Masons Edge is a shark that must and will keep moving forward, something which all of us should be thankful for as it means the future of Australian music is in safe (if not slightly crazy and drunken) hands.

Rating: B+

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