Dream To Make Believe – Cory Galliher

Dream To Make Believe
Equal Visions Records, 2003
Reviewed by Cory Galliher
Published on Sep 20, 2006

Reviewing music can be a surprisingly difficult proposition, despite what some readers may think. In its basest form, a review is simply a snapshot of the writer's opinion at a given time, and it's ridiculous to think that their opinion will remain the same after repeated listens and time for reflection. I've found that the music of Armor For Sleep provides the most difficult example of this conundrum as I've come across.

Quite frankly, there wasn't a second of either of the group's albums that I didn't enjoy; they're melodic, deep, and thought-provoking concept pieces with distinct themes that stand out throughout. Still, I simply can't rant about how incredible they are and assign them an A grade without feeling as if I'm doing my readers a disservice; the best I can do is give them the grade I feel they've earned along with a strong recommendation to check them out for oneself.

Dream To Make Believe is the New Jersey-based alternative group's first album, and it deals with the wish-fulfillment that's only possible in the dream world. Each track on the album discusses a lost hope that the narrator can revisit in dreams, and the oft-poignant melodies make the images all the more real to the listener. Concept albums that work are rare in my experience, but this one succeeds marvelously.

Highlight tracks from the album include the single "Dream To Make Believe," the hometown ballad "My Town" and the heart-wrenching "Frost and Front Steps." As a concept album, however, simply breezing through particular tracks deprives the listener of a full experience. In all honesty, Dream To Make Believe only really works when enjoyed as a whole; fortunately, there's no filler to be found here.

Be warned that this can be considered "emo" music, and those of you who aren't fans of that particular genre aren't going to find much to like here. This is emo with depth, however. It's hard to imagine anyone coming away from this album without a few new questions for themselves, and inviting introspection is one of the highest goals an album can aspire to.

I can't give Dream To Make Believe an A in good conscience. Despite being deep, thought-provoking, and multifaceted emo, it's still emo, and I can imagine it being a bit of a bummer to the average listener. For emo and indie fans alike, however, this is a must-hear experience.

Rating: A-

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