Dream Big – Jeff Clutterbuck

Dream Big
Capitol Records Nashville, 2005
Reviewed by Jeff Clutterbuck
Published on Oct 19, 2005

Over the years, I have learned to enjoy various musical styles
and genres. Hell, in middle school, the three CDs I played the most
Pure Disco Vols. 1, 2, and 3 (for the record, my favorite
disco song is the remake of “December, 1963 (Oh What A Night).”
Pure genius.) However, there are two genres that get no play on my
iPod whatsoever — country and rap.

Rap is an argument for another time, but why country? Well, to
me, once you’ve heard one country song, you have heard them all.
There’s a drunk guy singing about how his dog get run over by a
runaway barbecue grill with some fiddle playing in the background.
And don’t even get me started on Shania Twain’s “country music.”
It’s pop, people, nothing more.

So picture me receiving a copy of
Dream Big in the mail. Do I dare to listen or pawn this off
on one of my fellow Vault-ites? The fact that you’re reading this
now gives you the answer. So after all this buildup, with you guys
holding your breaths in anticipation, what do I have to say about
this disc?

I like it, to a point. From what people tell me, they listen to
country because it’s fun and it doesn’t make you think. It’s music
for the hell of it. And while the dark side hasn’t gotten a
complete hold over me, their point is clear. The opener, “Banjo
Boy,” is the picture of country; twangy, bouncy, and clichéd
as all get-out. However, it’s catchy. Following the previous track
is “Even Superman.” Rock and country get mixed around here a bit
and it works. “Dream Big” as a ballad is nothing to write home
about, but the harmonies are gorgeous.

Before I go on, my condolences to Bruce Rusk, who recently
reviewed Willie Nelson’s reggae/county outing. If
Countryman sounded like “Rain Falls Down,” then he deserves
a medal for making it through the entire album. Half-assed attempts
at reggae do not an album endear. Anyway.

Success for an album depends heavily on how much one likes the
sound of that work. So for me, Dream Big started to get repetitive
fast. Luckily, a few spunky tracks like “Ambush,” with its glorious
opening banjo/fiddle duet, and “Never Give Up,” which reminded me
of the Eagles’ “Desperado” for some reason, kept the interest level
going. Of course, that momentum was offset by the aforementioned
“Rain Falls Down” and the equally vapid, Latin-flavored “Oh How I
Miss You.” Some may see me as being a hypocrite for stating my
boredom with the country sound, and then blasting the band for
trying something different. It is not hypocrisy if the changes are

One would think after reading through this review, my opinion on
country hasn’t changed much, and that is somewhat true. Overall, I
doubt country will again be blasting from my speakers anytime soon.
Dream Big has made me realize if one looks hard enough, good
country music is out there. So for that,
Dream Big gets one thumb up.

Rating: B-

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