Draw Tippy – Jason Warburg

Draw Tippy
Independent release, 2004
Reviewed by dvadmin
Published on Jun 10, 2005

Dave Pachence has a killer music collection.

That is my first conclusion after a few listens to the eponymous
debut disc from Pachence’s one-man-show “band”
Draw Tippy.
Influences – mostly dating from the club scene circa 1982 — fly by
in a hailstorm of catchy melodies, killer riffs and tongue-in-cheek
lyrics whose sonic complexity belies the fact this disc was
recorded solo, assembled piece by piece in Pachence’s New York City

Starting strong, young Dave – who sounds a bit like every
20-something punk-pop singer you’ve ever heard, except with great
taste in music and a sophisticated sense of humor – opens with the
throbbing, clever, insanely catchy “Oscillate.” The fat guitar
riffs, the swirling, giddy synths, the acerbic deconstruction of
the poseur-filled club crowd… this is just sweet, sweet

“Armageddon Girl” comes along next, matching a nice acoustic
riff to perky synths in a marriage that shouldn’t work but does –
brilliantly. Calling this space-age goof “catchy” doesn’t do
justice to a song that has you singing along before you even get
through the first listen…

The remainder of the disc is filled with the explosive genius of
a modern-day slacker-geek musical savant possessed by the spirit of
every great ’80s dance band. “15 Minutes Of Lame” crosses Simple
Plan with A Flock Of Seagulls and comes out a winner. “California”
takes a rockabilly beat, adds Beach Boys harmonies and a surreal
electronic edge that – again — shouldn’t work, but does.

In one of my favorite moments on this disc, “Wasted It” starts
out with a somewhat obvious “time to get serious”-type acoustic
ballad riff, which builds briefly until Pachence comes in with the
lyric: “I guess this is where I should say something clever /
Everything, nothing, anything, whatever.” The lyric straddles a
fine line the rest of the way through between genuine anguish and
smirking self-mockery.

In another priceless turn, on “Decide” Pachence puts the truth
to every rock and roller’s protestations of artistic integrity,
admitting that “The words to this song / Are really dumb / It ain’t
no Marvin Gaye, it ain’t no Macy Gray… I wrote this song /
So you can decide if you want me tonight.” After declaring himself
not as good as a laundry list of hit-makers — “It ain’t no Taylor
Dayne / it ain’t no Shania Twain” being one of the better rhymes —
he reveals his true ambition: “And if everything’s going well /
I’ll get to see what’s in your sweater.”

Oh, fine, one more song before I wrap this up – it’s just too
perfect. “I’ll Wait” stays true to the rest of this album’s source
material by adding the perfect punchline to a classic ’80s movie
moment – the infamous “John Cusack uses Peter Gabriel to stalk his
crush” scene in Say Anything — as Pachence’s impatient and not
very original would-be boyfriend tries this approach: “Standing on
her lawn / With a vintage raincoat on / Got my boom box overhead /
Blasting ‘In Your Eyes’ / ‘Till her mother cries / ‘Won’t you
please just go away?!'”

I could go on, but why? You get the point.
Draw Tippy is a treasure trove of sharp-witted songs
boasting retro synths and fat guitars blasting impossibly catchy
riffs into the darkest corners of your brain. It’s the completely
fulfilled vision of an audaciously talented music lover whose
greatest artistic ambition is to make you smile. I did over and
over again listening to this album.

Rating: A-

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