Dig Me Out – Sean McCarthy

Dig Me Out
Kill Rock Stars Records, 1997
Reviewed by Sean McCarthy
Published on Oct 10, 1998

Cliches are a music critic’s bread and butter. Shit, I just
proved my point. One of the biggest offense that critics use is the
term, “pop savvy”. It’s way beyond cheese and it has the ability to
make readers want to belt the pudgy local paper critic with spoiled

I came face to face with this term while reading the dozens of
props to the girl group, Sleater-Kinney. “Pop savvy?” Vocalist
Carrie Brownstein’s voice is a constant barrage of shrieks and
yells, her and co-guitarist Corin Tucker’s guitar work are often
fuzzy bursts of energy and drummer Janet Weiss (the latest member
of the band) bangs away like a true, old school punk.

This is not pop, is it? Far too many times, the image of bands
like the Backstreet Boys and AOR leaches like Bryan Adams comes to
mind. It’s hard to believe that Sleater-Kinney fits into this
category. But Sleater-Kinney is very much pop in the 90s as Husker
Du was in the 80s. For the first couple of listens, you may just
hear noise, but give it a couple of chances and you’ll hear a very
discipline unit.

The best example of this is the strict verse-chorus-verse
pattern throughout the album. Each song does its best not to go
beyond three minutes. And Sleater-Kinney does a great job of
learning some tips from previous pop masters aka the Go-Gos like
hand-clap in “Little Babies.” That song even has “dum dum dee dee
dee dum dum dee dum do” in the chorus. I swear, each time I hear
that song I have a craving for a chocolate malt and a cheese

For as much as Sleater-Kinney borrows from pop’s greatest
moments from the ’50s to the ’80s, they are very much in the now.
The lyrics go from pure nonsense to crystal sharp confessional.
“Things You Say,” “Heart Factory” and especially “One More Hour”
are brutal in their honesty. And for a little more ’90s luster, at
least two of the members are either lesbian or lean very heavily
towards lesbianism.

Any ignorant rednecks or easily imtimidated geekboys who are
offset by the band’s honesty are missing out on one of the hardest
rockin’ albums in the last few years. Hate to dis Hole’s new album
again, but this sounds like the appropriate successor to
Live Through This.

However, Sleater-Kinney does not deserve to be judged by
standards laid by other bands. Nor should they be judged, props or
no props, on their political or lifestyle beliefs. They’re not a
novelty band, they simply rock out. I’m anxiously awaiting some
cash flow right now so I can go out and buy
Call The Doctor, the album before
Dig Me Out.

Three zingers, “Little Babies,” “Dance Song ’97” and the
scream-a-long chorus of “Words and Guitar” should make people give
Dig Me Out a few more listens before appreciating the pop
sense of the band. My only hope for the band is that they refine
their sound a bit. Don’t get me wrong,
Dig Me Out rocks, but the band does not have a bassist. Duo
guitars are enough for this album, but if they can rock this hard,
Lord only knows what will happen if they get a solid, thumping bass
in the background. But that comes next year. If you haven’t picked
up this one yet, it should keep you satisfied for at least seven or
eight months. Rock out.

Rating: B+

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