Dewa Che (the Great Peace) – Tammy Childs

Dewa Che (the Great Peace)
New Earth Records, 2005
Reviewed by Tammy Childs
Published on Jul 29, 2005

As mystical as the health benefits of yoga, tai chi or qi gong,
Dechen Shak-Dagsay graces the world of the listener with peaceful
serenity on
Dewa Che, her debut CD.

Dechen draws from ancient mantras and adds calming music and
modest vocalizations. She is a natural artist, having no official
training. This contributes to the beauty of her songs — they are
untarnished by formality and unlimited by structure. She performs
on the monochord as she sings, using it as a soothing backdrop.

Ms. Shak-Dagsay is the eldest daughter of a Tibetan lama. She
resides in Switzerland and has fixed her attention on preserving
traditional Tibetan songs and dancing. She strives to bring
awareness of these arts to Western people.

Her pieces are lengthy, ranging from 4:44 to 10:15 minutes, but
the time flows by as the tensions of the day fade away. Intended as
an accompaniment for meditation or martial arts, this album has a
variety of mantras. Each has a deeper purpose. They can be used for
yoga (which is a method of discipline to cleanse mind and body),
tai chi (Taoist discipline art form used for health and longevity)
or qi gong (the skill of attracting vital energy through movement
and meditation). But they can also be used for something as simple
as relaxation.

Pure and tranquil, “Men-Lha” (medicine-Buddha mantra) has the
clarity of calm waters. It has a de-stressing effect that sinks
deep into the psyche leaving you reflective and without resistance.
Its built-in purpose is for medicinal value, to improve health.

Spiritually arousing, “Dori-Semp” (Vijra-Sattva mantra) is used
to cleanse the system of all spiritual and physical disorders.
Musically it is enchanting and alleviates all feelings of anxiety
and aggravation.

“Ohpa-Me” (Amitabha mantra) helps the listener to visualize the
“pure land” — a form of paradise. Her voice is the musical
instrument by which she projects the message. Her angelic vocals
carry this and all other songs like a feather that is carried by
the wind. She attempts to help readjust the focus of the listener
to something more pleasant and enlightening.

“Tshe-Pak-Me” (long life mantra) is an invocation for the
eternal energy of life. Vocally more active on this song, and with
a stronger pace, we are encouraged to find inner peace regardless
of the chaos going on around us. We then can begin to not only heal
ourselves but also those with whom we come in contact.

To do that you must also overcome obstacles, “Namgyel-Ma”
(Vijaya-Devi mantra) serves this purpose. Using the serenity of her
voice she passionately reinforces the idea of seeing past the
present situation/problem and to visualize the future. Her haunting
vocals are the foundation of the piece — the chant is repeated and
eases away the discomfort of the mind. “People that are constantly
exposed to a lot of tension at work need to find a way to relax and
find inner peace.” She blends her knowledge of the Western world
with the highly spiritual wisdom of her Tibetan mother’s

Whether or not you believe in the Buddhist way of life, you
should not dismiss the character that is displayed by those that
use their beliefs as a means of guidance into a life of positivity
and good health. We need to purge ourselves of the lascivious
negativity that impedes personal and spiritual growth. Ms.
Shak-Dagsay easily makes the day’s frustrations fade to nothing.
She is a warm glow in a dark sky. She promotes self-healing —
becoming aware of your own body’s language, and learning to listen
and respond when it speaks. For those seeking inner peace, don’t
poo-poo the power of this positive contribution as the first step.
As her CD states, “people who have learned to respond to the inner
waves of discontent and keep them under control radiate peace and

The gate is open, will you walk through?

[For more information, visit]

Rating: A

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