Cuddy Mack – Tammy Childs

Cuddy Mack
Independent release, 2004
Reviewed by Tammy Childs
Published on May 20, 2005

On Cuddy Mack’s self-titled EP, he gracefully blends spirited
funk, soulful gospel and soft rock into a well-written, effectively
performed example of his work.

At the age of seven, Mack began to play the drums. The seed of
inspiration was planted by his father, who urged his son to develop
a love of music and a desire to perform. Cuddy would listen to his
brother Eddie scat, carefully listening to the sounds he made. And
he would watch brother William sing, observing how he used his
mouth to make the notes. He absorbed it all and combined it with Al
Jarreau’s influence; he used to mimic Jarreau for hours every day.
Unknowingly, he was developing a style all his own.

The first song on this EP is “The Gate Called Beautiful.” The
lyrics are substantial and inspiring — “…at the gate…where
color is not a problem, where hate is not allowed.” Not sure if
this gospel piece is one of sentimental hope, or is a song of
frustration over the unfairness of life. Either way, the words are
beautifully laid out. It is a lengthy song, and I personally would
have preferred a shorter version, but then it is an EP after all.
And the time did float by and my attention was held the entirety of
the song.

“Don’t U Ever Leave” has an upbeat and funky rhythm. This love
song begs the lady to stay. I liked the sexy growl in Cuddy’s
vocals. The song progresses into a harder rock mode. The guitar is
bold and strong, but unfortunately often outweighs the vocals. The
lyrics are a tad repetitive near the end. Like any relationship,
Mack believes that music is a marriage between the “he” (the
artist) and the “she” (the music itself). Like a relationship, it
takes effort, determination and a desire to succeed. “Slipping
Away” has exuberant guitar work; done in rock-hard riffs. Again the
vocals are powerful, and I like the catch that he adds as another

“Music is a creative path” chosen for Cuddy Mack, one of purpose
and destiny. Cuddy Mack is an intelligent, deeply caring
individual. He has a strong desire to touch his listeners in a
positive way. He’s not cocky, but upfront and honest about his
talent. He believes in himself. And although it may appear that I
did not like this EP, I actually did. Mack is a little funky, a
little chunky on the rock and has a foundation of spunky gospel
that is intriguing. As a first EP, I think it’s noteworthy. I
would, however, be very interested in hearing something more at a
later date. I hope that he continues to “water” that seed that was
planted long ago. I have no doubt that the tree will bear

Rating: B-

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