Cruel Britannia – Christopher Thelen

Cruel Britannia
Snapper Music, 1999
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Jul 8, 1999

Ska is a musical grnea that just refuses to go away. Despite
consumer apathy for the longest time, bands like Mighty Mighty
Bosstones have carved out a healthy niche playing this upbeat,
danceable reggae music and creating general, happy mayhem.

Add The Selecter to the list of ska bands fighting for your
attention. Once known for their minor hit “Too Much Pressure” in
the ’80s, the band is still slugging it out, as their latest
Cruel Brittania proves. Chances are this might be the first
time you’ve ever heard of The Selecter; chances also are that once
you give this disc a chance, you’ll be searching out other volumes
from the band.

Pauline Black handles most of the lead vocals, creating almost a
Gwen Stefani-like vibe to some of the songs. (Black, however, sings
better than Stefani.) The remaining vocals are shared by Dave
Barker and Richard Wayler, though I’ll admit I’d be hard-pressed to
pinpoint which one sang lead on which song. (Sometimes, detailed
liner notes
do help.)

The rhythms themselves are entertaining, even if the material
isn’t quite enough to set the speakers on fire. Tracks like
“Musical Servant (1927/1998),” “Bad Dog” and the title track all
are light romps through ska land. Despite its title, “Cruel
Britannia” is anything but an editorial of the band’s homeland, and
in a way, I kind of wish the track had been a little more

Cruel Britannia does show a political side for the briefest
of moments, on the track “Respect Yourself”. (It also is the only
track that uses any type of profanity; be forewarned.) The funny
thing is, this is one of the best and most powerful moments on the
album, allowing Black and crew to become cutting-edge. The best
track on the album, interestingly enough,
isn’t political; “Better Must Come” is a track that has
everything working in its favor, fro solid songwriting to a killer

While I recognize that ska has a certain amount of “toasting” in
it (“The Viper”), I do question whether we needed a reprise of the
exact same toast (“Lyrical Sniper”) on the same album. However, I
guess the track is harmless enough.

Admittedly, ska is an acquired taste, and The Selecter mixes
enough pop sensibility into the mix to appeal to even newcomers to
Cruel Britannia is a disc that might not be given a fair
shake by most consumers, but those that do will find themselves
mildly pleased by it.

Rating: B-

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