Concrete Love – Duke Egbert

Concrete Love
Vanguard Records, 2002
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Jun 17, 2002

Julia Fordham is the Next Big Thing amongst the
singer-songwriter set, apparently. Her new CD,
Concrete Love, is hyped, double-hyped, and doubled-down, to
the point where one begins to wonder if it’s the second coming of
Janis Ian or somethin’.

Sometimes, CDs are worth the hype. Unfortunately,
Concrete Love isn’t.

Part of my job here is to pin down what is ultimately
unsatisfying on
Concrete Love, and it’s a toughie. It’s not that Fordham
isn’t talented. She is, immensely, and her own musicianship, as
well as that of her backing musicians, is excellent. The production
and engineering on the CD is great, crystalline and unobtrusive,
letting the music shine through. The songs are range from OK to
excellent — “Butterfly” and “Foolish Thing” are the cream of the
crop, and they’re really, really good, as is the duet with Joe
Henry, “Alleluia”.

What seems to be missing from the equation is passion. Fordham’s
voice isn’t terribly expressive — there is some similarity to the
Valium-laced wistfulness in Margo Timmins’ voice — which means
that songs that should come out heartrending barely make it to
heartpoking. I have no doubt that Fordham feels strongly about her
songs, but it almost never translates to any real feeling in the
listener. Songs like “Roadside Angel” and “Wake Up With You” should
have evoked something in me; instead, they left me mostly cool.
This CD never caught me up, and for a singer/songwriter that’s a
major flaw. One of the few moments that the emotion finally shows
through is a hidden track at the end, a cover of Minnie Riperton’s
“Loving You”. It may be the best thing on the CD. (And Fordham gets
bonus points for her ability to hit that note only dogs can

Julia Fordham has talent, and I have no doubt that she has great
CDs within her capabilities. Next time, perhaps, she shouldn’t
polish the grit off so much. This time, it turned what might have
been a great CD to at best a mediocre one.

Rating: C+

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