Computer World – Eric Atwell

Computer World
Elektra Records, 1981
Reviewed by Eric Atwell
Published on Aug 18, 2000

When you consider just how far ahead of their time these Germans
were, it blows your friggin’ mind.
Computer World, from 1981, resonates with the crisp sound of
new advances in analog synthesizers. Not only that — the beats on
this album predate house/techno/drum and bass by 15 years and still
sound good. I love Germans; half my family is German, so naturally
I fell into a fascination with this group after picking up the
Trans-Europe Express on a whim in a Providence, Rhode Island
record store.

Check out the track “Home Computer” – a techno backbeat that
really punctuates the vision of Kraftwerk’s future world of
computers and interconnected users. Considering the medium on which
you’re reading this review I’d say the band was spot on in their
observations of the coming “computer world”. Plus, the vocals and
stilted drum breaks are straight out of Mike Myers’ “Sprockets”
skit. One must imagine hundreds of German boheems in their black
turtlenecks bopping to this stuff.

“Pocket Calculator” is the hit on this album. With an undeniably
new wave feel to it, the song drags the synthesizer kicking and
screaming into the synth-pop genre. Which is really a metaphor for
Kraftwerk’s output in the 70’s — they brought all-electronic music
into popular consciousness, in the meantime birthing the sound that
would be the backbone for hip hop, electronica, and the
aforementioned new wave. “I’m the operator / with my pocket

Admittedly, I’m no fan of most dance music. Unless I’m loaded,
since that’s the only time I can dance. But for the most part it’s
dull and repetitive and mostly sounds like disco. I’ve often
wondered how folks sit in their cars blaring this shit and there is
absolutely nothing going on except for that incessant
thud-thud-thud-thud and some wanky synth lines. Naturally break
dancing is another story. I’ll never master the “robot,” but damn
if I don’t try! ‘Course, I was a fresh popper in fourth grade.

Kraftwerk really slams perspective on this entire (I’m not
grandstanding or lionizing here – I’m sincere) genre. They started
it. Any of their early albums is sort of an epiphany where you
think, “oh, I get it.” On
Computer World it takes one listen to the title track to
understand that, in context, this group of musician-scientists
(props to anyone making their own rhythm units in the early 70s)
established an entire genre. “Computer World” the song is an
electronic cornucopia, with granite heavy lyrics describing a world
moved by money, people, and technology.

It’s probably worth your while. I’m a guitar freak but this
stuff is so sincere I find it hard to resist. I recently picked up
an old analog synth to try my hand with the electronic pulse. I
highly recommend checking out any Kraftwerk titles. If you have any
affinity for the fat synth you’ll love this.

Rating: A

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