Classic Sinatra II – Duke Egbert

Classic Sinatra II
Capitol, 2009
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Aug 18, 2009

I admit to being somewhat overwhelmed by the idea of writing this review. I mean, how do you review Frank freaking Sinatra? The man is more than a musician, more than an actor; he remains a cultural treasure more than eleven years after his death. How can I write a review about his music?

I was stuck. Then I decided to think outside the box.

Without further ado, I present “Vocabulary Building With Frankie.”

nonpareil (n.) A person or thing having no equal. “Frank Sinatra is a nonpareil in the world of vocal jazz and swing.”

augmentation (n.) Making greater; improving. “Classic Sinatra II is a great augmentation of Sinatra’s greatest hits catalog.”

exemplar (n.) A model or pattern to be copied or imitated. “Sinatra’s version of songbook classics like ‘All Of Me,’ ‘Moonlight in Vermont,’ ‘Just One Of Those Things’ and ‘Something’s Gotta Give’ should be considered exemplars for other performers.”

epiphany (n.) A sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something. “Songs like ‘Too Marvelous For Words,’ ‘The Tender Trap’ and ‘Learnin’ The Blues’ were amazing epiphanies for my appreciation of Frank Sinatra’s music.”

emetic (n.) Causing vomiting. “Unfortunately, not even Frank Sinatra can stop ‘High Hopes’ from acting on me like an emetic.”

reminiscent (n.) Awakening memories of something similar. “And for any child of the ‘80s, ‘Love And Marriage’ will forever be reminiscent of the dysfunctional Bundy family.”

retrospective (n.) Any exhibition or series of showings or performances, as of musical works or motion pictures. “In the end, Classic Sinatra II is an excellent retrospective of Sinatra’s Capitol recordings, and an essential purchase for anyone who enjoys his music.

echelon (n.) Class, level. “Within the Daily Vault's rating system, the echelon that Classic Sinatra II belongs in is A-.”

Rating: A-

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