California Nights – Pete Crigler

California Nights
Harvest Records, 2015
Reviewed by Pete Crigler
Published on May 14, 2015

On their third full length, the duo of Bethany Cosentino and Bobb Bruno return with their sun-drenched rock. Unfortunately, the band fails to break any new ground here. Although the band is capable of some great tracks and there are several highlights throughout, the album will give the listener a sense of déjà vu. The main standout of the disc is the disc’s title track, which is probably one of the band’s greatest achievements. A masterfully great song from start to finish, this will rank as one of the best songs of the year.

“Feeling OK” reminds me of some tracks off of The Only Place, except the music here is a bit dreamier – and that’s a damn good thing. “Heaven Sent” is a great song that deserves some radio play; there’s just an all-around great vibe that suits the song perfectly.

It seems that the band hasn’t really learned any new tricks, as the record sounds like the previous two Best Coast records. There seems to be no real differences between releases; many songs on this album tend to sound the same after a while.

“Fading Fast” is one of the weakest tracks; it just goes nowhere after awhile and feels very flat. Ultimately, as it stands, this is one of the more disappointing records of the entire year. For their next trick, it would be great if Cosentino and Bruno picked up something new to add to the flavor of their music. They could come up with a record that would surprise the hell out of everyone. In the end, they’ve just gone with what they know best and it results in a same-sounding record with a few good tracks – so, pretty much like every album they’ve ever done.

Rating: C

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