Bride Of The Wind – Christopher Thelen

Bride Of The Wind
Deutsche Grammophon Records, 2001
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Jun 6, 2001

Admission number one: I often don’t see the films whose
soundtracks I review here. This is no surprise announcement, since
I’ve admitted so in print before. In fact, often I review the
soundtracks before the film ever hits the theatres. (Last time I
checked, the studios don’t invite music journalists – especially
those who live between the Chicago and Milwaukee markets – to
advance screenings.)

Admission number two: As much as I like classical music, I never
developed a passion for Gustav Mahler. I always had an affinity for
Beethoven or Baroque-period music like Bach’s, and didn’t spend
much time learning about turn-of-the-century composers like

These factors would make it seem like I should be the last
person to review the soundtrack to
Bride Of The Wind, a tale of love between Gustav Mahler and
his wife Alma – a woman whose only source of peace is in her own
classical music compositions. And, in a way, I do feel lost trying
to quickly develop a feel for Gustav Mahler while knowing little to
nothing about his music.

If you are an afficionado of Gustav Mahler’s work, then you will
undoubtedly find
Bride Of The Wind to be an appealing collection. The
performances by soprano Renée Fleming are of special note;
Fleming raises the bar of excellence wherever she lends her golden
vocals. However, the works of Alma Mahler cannot be discounted
either, even though only three of the precious few which survive
are featured.

Bride Of The Wind is one of those few soundtracks which
almost requires you to have seen the movie – or at least to have
knowledge of Alma Mahler’s life. This way, one can understand the
rises and ebbs in the intensity of the music, both from Alma
Mahler’s pen and written for the soundtrack by Stephen Endelman.
One could understand why the music turns more introspective due to
Gustav Mahler’s directive to his wife to give up her craft – and
how the encouragement and passion she felt outside of her marriage
would be reflected in a rise in energy.

As it stands,
Bride Of The Wind is an enjoyable, if passable, collection
of music that should satisfy those who love classical music. But
without seeing the film, somehow this disc is less satisfying.
(Side note: I can’t honestly say I’m interested in seeing the film
– no offense meant towards the filmmakers, but this particular
genre of film just does not appeal to me.)

Rating: C+

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