Boingo – Duke Egbert

Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Oct 20, 1999

Each generation gets a few complete musical geniuses, people of
such sweeping talent and diversity that it almost takes your breath
away when you realize how -much- they can do. One of ours is Danny
Elfman, former lead vocalist of Oingo Boingo and current Hollywood
composer and vocalist. While Elfman’s post Oingo work is
breathtaking, the band itself was no slouch; while my experience
with them is limited, their pop sound, world-beat influences, and
clever yet angsty wordplay influenced a lot of later artists.

So when a friend got out a CD and said, “You have to hear this,
it’s…weird,” I acquiesced. And was promptly blown out of my chair
with the sheer anger, power, and musical skill.
Boingo was a 1994 project by what
appears to be most of Oingo Boingo, but not released under
the band’s name (and why that is, I can’t seem to find anywhere on
the internet. Anyone got any idea?). It’s laced with incisive,
cutting lyrics, complex arrangements, and fierce, bright melodies,
and is a powerful piece of politically themed pop music. This is
the Much Less Happy Danny Elfman, and it’s a whole heck of a lot of

The CD starts with the scathing “Insanity,” eight minutes of
vicious commentary on society in general (“A million years of
evolution/And we get Danny Quayle…”) The intensity of the track
is reminiscent of late Beatles such as “Helter Skelter,” and indeed
that similarity continues through tracks such as “Lost Like This”
and “Mary.” There is even a Beatles cover on the CD, a wonderful
but bizarre cover of “I Am The Walrus.”.

Other notable tracks include “Spider,””War Again,” and “Can’t
See (Useless).” All are tight, well written, and pleasant, while
still carrying the passion and anger Elfman feels for his subject
Boingo is a joy in that it proves you don’t have to be
atonal to really
say something about what you feel, that you don’t have to
only know three chords to be pissed off.

The close to the CD, “Change,” is a wry summary of everything
that has gone before, a distillation of Elfman’s darkest moods and
thoughts…set to a perky, complex harmony and chiming guitars. All
at once, Elfman twists the listener into doubt and thought — which
is real? Melody or lyrics?

Boingo is a sadly-unappreciated CD. (I got my copy in a
local cut out rack for six bucks.) If you have a chance, grab
yourself a copy and allow yourself an hour’s trip through the fears
in Danny Elfman’s genius mind. You won’t find it a waste of

Rating: A-

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