Blow Up Your Video – Christopher Thelen

Blow Up Your Video
Atlantic Records, 1988
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on May 6, 2000

For some reason, I don’t think that devotees of AC/DC hold their
1988 release
Blow Up Your Video in the highest regard. I remember when it
came out, I absolutely fell in love with this record. It almost
seemed like Angus Young and crew were aiming to recapture their
glory days. They re-teamed up with producers Harry Vanda and George
Young, who worked on their first albums. Singles were actually
released in America… and you could find them easily! And, best of
all, the band was taking some chances musically!

While packing up the Pierce Memorial Archives to prepare for
their latest move, I came across my vinyl copy of
Blow Up Your Video, and decided to slap it on the turntable
again. While the few weaknesses of this album are somewhat
crippling, this still remains a killer album.

Production-wise, I almost wish that Vanda and George Young had
taken the time to re-listen to the mix and had added a notch more
treble. Oh, the final mix here is perfect for tracks like “Ruff
Stuff” and “Two’s Up,” but there is a crispness missing from songs
like “Nick Of Time” that really would have kicked them into the

Musically, AC/DC seem to be willing to take some chances and
break from the traditional musical formula they had followed for,
at that time, 14 years. You can hear a shift in the first half of
the album, but the second half is where the cards are laid on the
table. You’ve got an almost progressive hard-rock sound on “Nick Of
Time,” followed by well-developed tracks in “Ruff Stuff” and “Two’s
Up”. (Don’t worry, there’s still a cock-rock attitude that only
AC/DC can pull off. Sample line from “Two’s Up”, at least how I
heard it: “Gimme head / Gimme tails.”)

What is most captivating about
Blow Up Your Video is the energy level in the music, a level
so infectious that you may soon see yourself bouncing around the
room to the disc. The leadoff track “Heatseeker” is one of the best
rock tracks AC/DC has done in some time, while the follow-up track
and single “That’s The Way I Want To Rock ‘N Roll” is an
interesting development, allowing the guitars and vocals to almost
layer themselves. It’s a risk, but it works.

This isn’t to say that everything on the album works this well.
“Meanstreak” is a song with good intentions, but musically, it’s
far too weak. An almost bump-and-grind groove base isn’t a bad
thing, but this melody just doesn’t work that well. Likewise, “Some
Sin For Nuthin'” – I’m sorry, but I actually cringe when I hear
Angus Young’s opening guitar line of this one (though the solo is
tastier), and it’s hard for me to sit still for four minutes
without diving for the “next track” button on the CD player. You
have to say this much: if you gotta fail, then go down in

Still, the positives on
Blow Up Your Video outweigh the negatives. Tracks like
“Kissin’ Dynamite” and “Go Zone” are better than you’d expect them
to be, though it does take a few listens to warm up to them. And
the closer, “This Means War,” is the call to battle that ties up
any loose ends left by “Heatseeker”‘s boogie beat.

Blow Up Your Video is no
Back In Black, but then again, I don’t think I’d want it to
be that way. With only one or two exceptions, I like the album just
the way it is. This is one that’s begging for rediscovery among
your vinyl shelves.

Rating: B+

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