Blame It On Rock & Roll – Christopher Thelen

Blame It On Rock & Roll
A2 Records, 1999
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Jan 8, 2001

Many famous musical acts have come from Canada – but it’s been a
while since I heard someone like Robin Brock, who was able to
impress me from the first moment and not disappoint.

Her debut CD,
Blame It On Rock & Roll, brings to mind images of Ann
Wilson in her vocal style, though she nimbly shifts gears between
rock stylings and pop sensibility without making it sound awkward.
Hundreds of artists have struggled with this; some have learned how
to do it, some still couldn’t get it right with a schematic. Brock
seems to do this on instinct, separating her from the rest of the

If you pick this disc up expecting a carbon copy of Heart,
you’ll be disappointed. However, Brock succeeds on her own terms –
and I’d much rather see that than hear a copy of an established
act. Tracks like “I Lied,” “Just A Fantasy,” “Lipstick And Lace”
and “Drowning” all show off a talent which can only be described as
being the next big thing.

But where would Brock fit in the best? After all, this is
someone who can pull out the stops with the best of them, as heard
on “Rockin On The Airwaves”. But she also sounds comfortable doing
songs in a less powerful vein, as heard on the pop-rocker “It’s My
Heart” or on the aforementioned “Drowning”. The fact is, Brock
walks both sides of the pop/rock line without weakening her
position on either one of them – another skill that so many bands
have failed to grasp over the years.

In the end, though,
Blame It On Rock & Roll seems to be aimed at people in
my age group – that is, those who remember the glory days of ’70s
rock but want to hear something with more range. Brock fits this
bill, and fits it well. It’s just an enjoyable disc from start to
finish – and though it’s one you’ll probably have to do some
searching for, you’ll know after just one listen that it was worth
the trouble.

Blame It On Rock & Roll is the kind of disc that should
make the rock fans cheer with delight and the pop fans anticipate
Brock’s talents eagerly. She’s just too good to remain a local
favorite for long – and I’m hoping she gets a chance at the
limelight soon.

2001 Christopher Thelen and “The Daily Vault”. All rights
reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without
written permission.

Rating: A-

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