Between The Days – Christopher Thelen

Between The Days
Universal Records, 1998
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Oct 6, 1998

How fleeting does the alternative music scene seem to be today?
When I read the press release for Australian singer Merril
Bainbridge’s latest album
Between The Days, I couldn’t remember what her first hit
“Mouth” sounded like. My usual reference sites that have short
sound clips? No help.

Sometimes, flying blind when listening to an artist you’re not
familiar with is a dangerous thing. However, in the case of
Bainbridge, it meant going into the album without any preconceived
notions. A good thing, too, for
Between The Days is an album that dares you to accept it in
all its pop glory, a task that is rather easy to do.

Bainbridge’s vocals sound a little bit like Donna Lewis, though
I think that Bainbridge has more range. The first single off the
album, “Lonely,” quickly establishes Bainbridge as a more than
capable artist; the vocal harmonies that are weaved into the rhythm
of this song are hooks that capture you from the get-go. After
repeated listens to this disc, I have yet to get tired of that

But Bainbridge quickly demonstrates that there’s more to her
than just a pretty voice. Some songs, like “Walk On Fire” and “When
You Call My Name,” have more of an edge to them – throwing just
enough spice into the mix to keep things interesting. “Walk On
Fire” is a track that I could see as the next single… easy.

What carries Bainbridge from the softer, more introspective
works like the title track to the slightly more raucous numbers is
her voice. The old cliche is that a good singer could sing the
phone book and keep you interested. I wouldn’t go that far, but
Bainbridge does demonstrate early and often that she has a solid
set of pipes, and knows how to use them.

Some of the songs on
Between The Days get a little too wrapped up in themselves
for me (“Love And Terror,” “Blindfolded”), but for the few weaker
tracks on the album, there are numerous others ready to pick up the
slack (“Big Machine,” “Goodbye To Day”).

In fact, the biggest complaint that I could have with
Between The Days is a common complaint I have with good
albums – it’s too short! The ten songs on this one clock in at
around 45 minutes – and Bainbridge is the kind of artist who I
could have listened to much longer.

I still don’t remember what “Mouth” sounds like, but if it’s
anywhere as good as the material on
Between The Days, then I’ll be willing to pick up
Bainbridge’s first album. Adult contemporary radio should fall over
themselves rushing to get this album on the air. Leave your
preconceived notions at the door, and accept
Between The Days for what it is – a very good second

Rating: B+

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