Beneath The Rhythm And Sound (2015 reissue) – Pete Crigler

Beneath The Rhythm And Sound (2015 reissue)
Shelflife/Korda, 2015
Reviewed by Pete Crigler
Published on Dec 26, 2015

On their third record, originally released in 1993, The Ocean Blue decided to change tactics a bit. Instead of going for a wintry type sound, they decided to make things a bit sunnier and brighter. I refer to this as their summer record and it is a change of pace from a band that could be counted on for a moodier atmosphere.

Kicking things off with one of their best singles, the sunny and cheery “Piece Of Mind,” the band updates their sound a bit to change with the times. Gone is a dependence on saxophones, and the keyboards are pushed somewhat further than on previous releases. David Schelzel’s voice is in fine form and the band is more spry and energetic.

Things are brought down a bit on slower songs like my personal favorite “Listen It’s Gone” and the winter throwback “Ice Skating At Night.” But it doesn’t bring down the vibe of the record. “Sublime,” the album’s big single, was the type of song that stuck out at alternative radio in 1993: no angst or crunchy guitars, a great rhythm, and upbeat vocals. Unfortunately, it was to be the band’s last big hit, but what a way to go out.

“The Relatives” is a relatively quick, straightforward pop ditty that the band’s talents help magnify and turn it into a great track. There are a few songs on here that aren’t necessarily the best, but they don’t drag the album down that much

Unlike the other two reissues, this one actually contains a bonus track. “Sea Of Green” is a very slow, almost dirge-like track – very uncharacteristic of the band and quite an interesting turn down the time capsule. Still, it’s probably a good thing this wasn’t included on the original disc as it would’ve stood out like a sore thumb and wouldn’t have added anything to the disc at all.

While not as great as Cerulean, this release is still quite an impressive record in the band’s catalog and still quite the record to be proud of.

Rating: B

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