Balance – Bruce Rusk

Magna Carta Records, 2001
Reviewed by Bruce Rusk
Published on Jul 7, 2004

[An earlier version of this review appeared on in 2001]

Tempest, as a band, is a little hard to describe. They play folk
songs, but they are not a folk band. They rock out, but they’re
much more than a rock band. Think of them this way; take some
Jethro Tull and Kansas, throw in a dash of Led Zeppelin, and have
them play Celtic and Norwegian folk music flavored with metal and
bluegrass. Sounds like kind of a mess but it really works. Call it
world music if you like, though it’s a little strange to put that
handle on a bunch of guys from Oakland, California. Well, okay, the
drummer is Cuban and the frontman is Norwegian. In any case, they
are highly talented and imaginative musicians who seamlessly blend
a morass of musical genres into a fluid blend of eclectic, exciting

Frontman Lief Sorbye leads Tempest with smooth yet passionate
vocals and a sizzling double mandolin. Sorbye is a very capable
singer with a husky tenor voice, and he has perfected his
particular style through near-perpetual touring and live
performances with Tempest (and the Tempest side project Caliban).
The production on this disc give a natural feel to his vocals, like
sitting in a pub or the market square listening to him, as opposed
to the often over-produced digitally modified vocals that are the
norm on most recording these days. One gets the impression not of a
rock singer, but of a tavern minstrel who plays for the love of the
music (and perhaps a pint of ale), as opposed to riches and fame.
His natural vocal style helps accentuate the flavor of the
old-world lyrics and melodies that form the core of their

Guitarist Todd Evans and fiddler Jim Hurley work around Sorbe’s
mandolin to create energetic swirling patterns that run from soft
lyrical patois on songs like “Wicked Spring” and “Journeyman,” to
fiery metallic intensity on “Dance of the Sand Witches” and the
Appalachian-bluegrass infused “Battle Mountain Breakdown.” Bassist
William Maxwell and drummer Adolfo Lazo provide the solid
foundation required to back up the diverse collection of sounds
that Tempest explores.

Balance, Tempest offers up an outstanding set of their
private blend of Euro-centric folk music and string-oriented
prog-rock. The way they muddy the boundaries between musical genres
is part of the appeal of this band.
Balance is indeed an apt title, as all of their many
influences co-exist in equal measure, where the whole is far
greater than the sum of its parts.

Rating: A-

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