Apollo 13 – Tom Lancing

Apollo 13
MCA Records, 1995
Reviewed by Tom Lancing
Published on Feb 26, 1999

As long as I can remember I have always been interested in
space. As an avid supporter of the space program and a FAA licensed
pilot, the movie
Apollo 13 grabbed my attention immediately. The story for
Apollo 13 was written by James Lovell in his book “Lost
Moon”. And like everybody says, “The book is better than the
movie.” This is true for
Apollo 13, but the movie is an accurate representation of
the book. The soundtrack created for the movie is an incredible mix
of songs from the time and a beautifully written score.

The disk contains hits from Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Jefferson
Airplane, The Young Rascals, and a personal favorite…. Norman
Greenbaum singing “Spirit In The Sky”. Less known tracks are
included on the disk, like a version of “Blue Moon” performed by
the Mavericks. I have to be honest and tell you that I really do
not like it. It just seems too hokey and fake. Hank Williams is
also found on the soundtrack with “Honky Tonkin'”. I never cared
for country, so that one is painful for me to listen to. Sorry!

As for the score, I think it is incredible. James Horner has
composed numerous beautiful tracks. I love his use of the strings,
combined with kettle drums and chimes. The horns are never too
overpowering and often assist in the changing of scenes and mood.
He has done his job masterfully.

It was when I put the movie in my VCR for the first time in
almost a year and had the surround sound working that convinced me
to review the soundtrack. I was almost blown out of my seat. If you
have surround sound, you have got to fire it up for the movie. It
will definitely have an impact on you.

Apollo 13 also contains voice drops from some of the stars
of the movie like Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, and even Walter Cronkite.
It adds some nice elements to the soundtrack and lets you remember
where you are in the movie.

Now, for my only complaint. “Houston we have a problem…” Now,
this may seem like I am being picky….. the numbers on the back of
the CD case do not line up with the number on your CD player. For
example, if you wanted to listen to the song “Blue Moon” the CD
case tells you it is number 13. But to your CD player number 13 is
actually “Master Alarm”. I find the error annoying and troublesome.
I have learned to live with it, but for others it my cause some
problems. Not everyone is a big nerd like me and has the whole
thing memorized.

As a whole, the sound track is an excellent one. My only
complaint was a minor one. I recommend this movie and soundtrack to
everyone who loves an emotionally exciting experience.

Rating: A-

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