Apocalypse Dudes – Chris Harlow

Apocalypse Dudes
Epitaph Records 2003/Bitzcore 1998, 1999
Reviewed by Chris Harlow
Published on Apr 4, 2003

For a hardcore punk band that has admittedly succeeded in doing
everything wrong while trying to get it right, 1998 was a year in
which the members in the band Turbonegro may have been actually
trying to avoid the proverbial apocalypse. A couple of line-up
changes, a commitment to a new image, and a new focus in writing
style could quite honestly validate Jello Biafra’s (Dead Kennedys)
claim that
Apocalypse Dudes has evolved into “possibly the most
important European record ever.”

Historically speaking, Turbonegro had recently developed the
taboo on-stage schtick of being a bunch of homosexual sailor boys,
clad in denim, from the Scandinavian port city of Oslo, Norway.
With the songs, and interestingly enough the hits, from their
previous album Ass Cobra carrying the titles “Midnight NAMBLA,”
“Just Flesh,” and “I Got Erection,” plenty of enemies lined up as
the band tried to fight for recognition on the popular black metal
club scene in their homeland of Norway. It was the kind of schtick
that had come to define the band’s uniquely death punk sounds of
that time.

So when 1998 rolled around, the reality of this image was
cemented on the band when Levi’s offered promotional dollars in
support of the
Apocalypse Dudes release. The two new “dudes” that emerged
in the band’s line-up were Euroboy (Knut Schreiner), a classic
rock-inspired lead guitarist, and Chris Summers, the new drummer,
who both proved to be essential additions as the band blazed a new
punk n’ roll path to success.

Coupled with the atmospheric sounds and opening notes of the
first track, “The Age of Pamparius,” the whispering of the lines,
“From the ashes of this golden age of confusion, the denim recruits
came to be known as the apocalypse dudes….”, a new sound was
born. Euroboy’s melodic and soaring notes flanked by the opening
thunder of Summers’ percussion beats signified more than a new age,
it signified PIZZA! As in the pizza served by the keyboardist, Pal
Pot Pamparius, at his joint in town. Some may call the inspiration
of this track silly; I’ll counter by saying it’s a great anthem
regardless of your tastes.

Throughout the album Hank von Helvete, curiously a King Diamond
look-a-like, continuously mainlines 100% adrenaline into a vocal
stream that is superbly complemented by the brilliantly constructed
layering of Euroboy’s guitar soloing , Summers drum fills, and Rune
Rebellion’s rhythm guitar playing. The collective timing of their
individual efforts provides a seamless end result of rock anthems
that can easily be compared to a rowdy rock-n-roll circus.

While the anthems on
Apocalypse Dudes never cease, admiration should follow for a
band that scripts lyrics as racy as their songs names. The
collective musical brilliance of the tunes, “Don’t Say
Motherfucker, Motherfucker,” “Rendezvous with Anus,” “Zillion
Dollar Sadist” and “Good Head” should be respected by the fact that
there obviously weren’t any pre-planned notions by the band in
getting the “singles” to radio. It’s that kind of confidence that
underscores how brilliantly the musicianship complements the comedy
on this album and makes
Apocalypse Dudes truly one of the hidden gems of the rock
and roll underground.

With Epitaph’s recent re-release of
Apocalypse Dudes, this CD wouldn’t be complete without
noting the bonus material including videos of “Get it On” and “Are
You Ready (For Some Darkness)” and 2002 Quart Festival footage of
“The Age of Pamparius” being thrown in.

This is all the more reason for you to check your inhibitions at
the door, heed Jello Biafra’s advice (as well as this Daily Vault
reviewer!), and pick up this release.

Rating: A

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