Anarchists Of Good Taste – Christopher Thelen

Anarchists Of Good Taste
Spitfire Records, 2001
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Feb 28, 2001

Every once in a while, you discover a band who takes the rule
book for rock & roll… and throws it into the fireplace. Tool
did that for me the first time I ever heard them; Firewater did
that by creating alternative samba with “Another Perfect

Add Washington, D.C.-based Dog Fashion Disco to that list. Their
major-label debut
Anarchists Of Good Taste is the musical equivalent to being
mugged in a mosh pit… and, believe me, I mean that in a good
sense. Led by vocalist/guitarist Todd Smith, this quintet takes
alternative, cult-like mantras, beach party/sci-fi soundtracks and
whatnot, and throws them into the food processor. The end result is
occasionally rough to look at, but turns out to be tastier than
anyone could have imagined.

Comparisons to Tool are not uncommon for Dog Fashion Disco,
though the areas of similarity usually lie in Smith’s vocals. But
lest you think he’s a carbon copy of Maynard James Keenan, Smith
proves to be very much the vocal gymnast, going from almost gentle
pleading to eardrum-shredding screams almost in a heartbeat.
Musically, I’d almost say Dog Fashion Disco is closer to a band
like Helmet… and even that doesn’t do things justice.

Take a song like “9 To 5 At The Morgue”. This one particular
track runs the gamut from heavy-duty alternative rock to ska-based
riffs that sound like they were lifted from the soundtrack of a
b-movie. Add into that a pretty twisted view of the world (that is,
when you can decipher what Smith is singing; his vocals are buried
too deep in the mix), and you have one band who prove they’re
walking a new path.

Even on the next song, when Dog Fashion Disco breaks into a
twisted chant on “Mushroom Cult,” there are enough twists and turns
musically to be the equivalent to a murder mystery. In reality,
it’s kind of a fun journey to take. Is it one that’s for everyone?
Honestly, no… but those who do take the risk are in for some
interesting times.

That said,
Anarchists Of Good Taste proves that Dog Fashion Disco is
still growing into their unique skin. Tracks like “Valley Girl
Ventriloquist,” “Pour Some Urine On Me” (I was expecting this to be
a Def Leppard parody for a minute) and “Cartoon Autopsy” all don’t
seem like they live up to expectations – and, to be honest, a big
reason for this is that Smith’s vocals are buried. One of the
selling points of this band has been their skewed view of the
world; next time, move Smith to the forefront. I don’t mean the
performances of the band members aren’t worthy of note, but they
shouldn’t be hiding the front man.

Anarchists Of Good Taste proves to be a worthy effort, and
is sure to both astound and confuse the listener at times. This is
still a band in development; God knows what they have the potential
to become, but I’m willing to bet it’ll be something good.

Rating: B-

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