American Pie 2 – Christopher Thelen

American Pie 2
Universal Records, 2001
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Aug 30, 2001

The movie
American Pie did more for society than just cause people to
cast a suspicious eye on desserts – though Lord knows I’ve not been
able to eat at Bakers Square since then. It introduced people to a
nice selection of groups who were looking to get their names known
to a wider populace while reflecting the tastes of today’s young
people. That’s why a group like Tonic could fit so well next to
Blink 182.

American Pie 2 puts more of an emphasis on the
nouveau-punk that has grown in popularity over the last few
years, thanks to groups like Blink 182 (who make a return
appearance on this disc) and Green Day. But while the music on this
disc is enjoyable, it often feels like there’s not enough of a
variety – and when something different is presented, it is in such
contrast that it clashes noticably.

In truth, there’s not a bad performance on this soundtrack; each
group has its own unique charms, even if many of them sound exactly
the same. Case in point: Green Day’s offering “Scumbag” is so short
that it’s almost a perfect segue between that song and “Bring You
Down” from Left Front Tire – so much so that I almost didn’t notice
it on first listen.

What’s nice about the alt-punk groups featured is that there’s a
solid balance between the established acts, the semi-famous (Alien
Ant Farm’s “Good (For A Woman)”, Fenix*Tx’s “Phoebe Cates”) and
groups we’ll undoubtedly be hearing much more from very soon (Left
Front Tire, Jettingham’s “Cheating,” The Exit’s “Susan”).
American Pie 2 is a veritable smorgasbord of alt-punk, and
you won’t mind going back for seconds.

There are two successful forays into something a little more
pop-oriented – and, at the risk of sounding sarcastic, they both
happen to be from the Universal Records stable. 3 Doors Down plays
the role that Tonic did on the first soundtrack, providing the hit
single with their remix of “Be Like That” off
The Better Life. It’s a wonderful job they’ve done, giving
this song a whole new life. Oleander’s been getting some attention
with their new disc
Unwind (which I still have in the “to be reviewed” pile),
and “Halo” is the kind of track that will make people want to check
out the full-length platter.

But not all of the quieter moments work as well. Angela Ammons’s
“Always Getting Over You” is a pretty enough song, but it just
doesn’t seem to serve a purpose sandwiched between Alien Ant Farm
and Jettingham. Had this track followed, say, 3 Doors Down, it
would have worked better for the listener. It’s all a matter of
placement, kids. Lucia’s “I Will” at least has Oleander following
it up to make that aspect work – but there’s one moment in the
chorus where the vocals hit a chord that doesn’t resolve well that
sounds a bit unnatural. Granted, I’m probably one of the few who
would notice this – but to my ears, it sticks out like a sore

One other side note: I thought
American Pie 2 was rated “PG-13″… yet this CD’s inserts
tout it as being rated “R”. Hmm… does this mean this disc is
going to be worth something down the line? Just wondering…

If you like the alt-punk scene,
American Pie 2 is going to be a wonderful experience. Like
the first disc, the soundtrack’s producers have tapped the wells of
today’s music and have come back with a pretty satisfying

Rating: B+

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