American Hi-Fi Acoustic – Pete Crigler

American Hi-Fi Acoustic
Rude Records, 2016
Reviewed by Pete Crigler
Published on May 26, 2016

Wow! Has it really been fifteen years since American Hi-Fi released their debut record and had a smash hit with “Flavor Of The Weak?” Well, believe, my friends, it’s true – and to celebrate, the band have re-recorded the entire record acoustically. To some, this might sound like an easy cash grab from a band people can’t believe are still together. But there are moments on here that spark and remind the listener why they liked the original record to begin with.

Frontman Stacy Jones’ vocals still sound cool and make you wonder if some people ever really age. Tracks like “Surround” and “A Bigger Mood” sound a bit better with the new arrangements. “Flavor Of The Weak” doesn’t improve nor does it get sucky; it still sounds the same, basically just a fifteen-year-old throwback track.

“Hi-Fi Killers” drags a bit until Jones starts screaming near the finale and that’s when the song really picks up and comes alive. You’re not going to hear anything like that on a Simple Plan record, that’s for sure. “My Only Enemy” is my favorite track on the original disc and the new arrangement here gives it a mellower feel but the original attitude is still present and that’s all I wanted out of the acoustic treatment. The original album’s other main single “Another Perfect Day” features Jones’ former Letters To Cleo bandmate Kay Hanley on co-lead vocals, which gives the song a new touch. That track ends up being one of the best tracks here.

Overall, this is an interesting disc but it’s not enough to scream about from the rooftop. I can say that American Hi-Fi is a much better band and have done a better job with this than, let’s say, all these washed up rockers doing acoustic versions of all their biggest hits. (I’m looking at you Trapt, Everclear, and others!)

Rating: B-

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