All That Is Solid Melts Into Air – Chris Harlow

All That Is Solid Melts Into Air
Columbia Records, 2005
Reviewed by Chris Harlow
Published on Nov 14, 2005

The pivotal fourth release for self-proclaimed hardcore punkers
Amulet is
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air — an album that can honor
the claim of “Scandinavia’s most persistent hardcore band” made in
their label’s press release. Or, it could be yet another effort
that settles on softened melodies as we’ve previously discussed on
their last album,

Danger! Danger!

Optimistically, I entered into my purchase of this album
thinking these Oslo rockers were surely heading back to their
blistering roots. The first single, “Warpriest,” shows all the
hallmarks of a track that was pressed to victimize and brutalize
its audience with lead throat Torgny Amdam honorably wailing his
way through large portions of his missive. It’s not as strong a
track as “Life On The Edge Of Chaos” or “Won’t Hold Back” from
Amulet’s truly hardcore debut,
The Burning Sphere, but one that is worthy of “single”
status for sure.

Unfortunately for me, “Warpriest” is nothing but a dupe effort,
as the rest of the album is essentially nothing more than an easy
rock ride highlighting drummer Jonas Thire’s percussion and Amdam’s
proclivity to find the matching key.

Being so obviously faked out by this revelation, I instinctively
want to sit here and rail on this album, but I’m not going to go so
far as say that Amdam isn’t suited for this relaxed vocal approach.
Hope actually does hinge itself on the fact that Amulet has never
sounded better in this muted rock form than when performing the
opening track, “Crash Into My Room.” This track is what one would
call a bonafide rock hit if ever there was such a thing —
nevermind that real rock is never played on the radio anymore and
thus never charts. “Crash” has definite singalong appeal with its
definitive back beats and curiously winding guitar paths.

Too bad there is not much else on this album to rival either of
the tracks I’ve described. “Oslo Death City” does not inspire any
fear, as the performance merely settles on a groove rhythm and
little else. And after listening to the mundanely forced “LFMDFM,”
I care little in finding what this song title abbreviates as
usually; such a quirky title will force me into finding out the

Oh sure, “Pitch Black Void” is a song that is likely to find its
way onto future setlists with its catchy non-hardcore chorus being
the signature piece. But the track would surely be more interesting
with a more consistent oomph behind it.

Amulet is a widely talented band with one of rock n’ roll’s most
capable voices leading the way. But their current efforts in mixing
the extreme with the more mainstream is a bad idea and while I am
sure there are probably equal numbers of folks that prefer the
band’s current instrumental and vocal pace, I doubt there are many
that wouldn’t agree with me when I state that the band hasn’t yet
found a way to credibly package both rock styles on one album.

That being said,
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air shows that Amulet has
decided promise in mastering either rock style. I just find issue
with the fact that the band proclaims to be a hardcore band first
and foremost when it is so obvious that those days have largely

Rating: C+

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