Agnes Browne – Christopher Thelen

Agnes Browne
Decca Records, 2000
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Mar 6, 2000

Being at least partly Irish, I have always had a special place
in my heart for the music of Ireland – even if the song only had
Celtic influences and went in another direction. (The first time I
ever heard “new age” music, the song opened up with
Celtic-influenced flute work.) It’s not always been the easiest
passion for me to follow; I had difficulties getting through
Boil The Breakfast Early by The Chieftains. But for the most
part, it’s been one that has been overall satisfying to me.

How does the soundtrack to
Agnes Browne, the latest Angelica Huston film, fit into this
scheme? With Chieftain Paddy Moloney composing all original music,
you’re sure to get your recommended daily dose of Irish music on
this one – and just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, too! And while
this disc is worth the effort, it does have some drawbacks.

Let’s talk about one of these drawbacks right off the bat:
what’s with the reliance on the music of Tom Jones on this
soundtrack? Now, I like Jones and his music as much as the next
person, and I can understand the use of these songs to fit the time
frame the movie is supposed to take place in. But devoting 20
percent of the soundtrack to Jones’s music is a bit of a stretch…
and if I hear one more movie feature “It’s Not Unusual,” I’m going
to throw up. (Admittedly, it’s a nice touch to hear “She’s A Lady,”
one of his hits that’s been pushed to the side of late… but I’ve
never been a fan of “Delilah”.)

Oh, what the hell… let’s get the other drawbacks out of the
way while we’re on a roll. “Banish The Blues” is an interesting
take on Irish music, with the song going from a mournful flute to a
rather upbeat rockabilly-type rhythm. It works surprisingly well –
that is, until the sudden ending of the track, leaving the listener
without any closure on this particular piece. Moloney would have
been wise to have thought up a decent ending to this one.

Drawback three, I’ll sum up in three words: Brevity, brevity,
brevity. The whole disc – all 15 tracks – clocks in at under 35
minutes. Frankly, I would have been much happier had Moloney
provided more music to enjoy on
Agnes Browne, ’cause the bulk of the music is very
enjoyable. (For that matter, how’s about hearing more than a
smidgen of Derek Bell’s harp work on “My Bonnie (Harp

Most of Moloney’s original score is hauntingly beautiful, with
tracks like “Opening Theme,” “Marion’s Lament,” “Paddy’s Mazurka”
and “Grab The Money” standing out among the crowd. Worth noting is
the duet between The Chieftains and Montserrat Caballe, “The Last
Rose Of Summer,” a track which should definitely pull at your
heartstrings. Likewise, Laura Smith’s duet with The Chieftains, “My
Bonnie,” helps to bring new life to a well-worn track, even though
I thought they stretched this one out a little too far.

Just a thought – Irish cowboys? Checks out The Fleadh Cowboys
with “Puttin’ On The Style,” a track which isn’t bad in retrospect.
But it is a little surprising to hear such a song mixed in with the
rest of the soundtrack. (Having not seen the movie, I don’t know
how it fits into the context of the action… and until I take the
little one to see
The Tigger Movie, chances are I won’t see the inside of a
theatre soon.)

If you’re not very familiar with Irish music or the work of The
Chieftains, this might not be the best place to start your
education. However, in general,
Agnes Browne is a disc of solid music with only a few
questionable inclusions and omissions.

Rating: B

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