Acoustic Soul – Duke Egbert

Acoustic Soul
Motown Records, 2001
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Mar 5, 2002

The Grammies are the biggest joke in music; a giant masturbatory
popularity contest for overpaid, undertalented A&R men to
congratulate themselves on finding the latest two-year-long money
machine to sucker the MTV generation with. However, even the most
retarded of squirrels occasionally stumbles over a nut, so I wasn’t
surprised when India.Arie got nominated for Best New Artist. (She
won’t win, of course. Neither will Linkin Park, who I have high
hopes for. Alicia Keys might win, but she’s in danger of being the
21st century Mariah Carey. Look for either uberbimbette Nelly
Furtado or the incomprehensible David Gray to walk away with the
Horn O’ Doom, thereby guaranteeing their career will tank. Anyone
remember Musical Youth?)
(Editor’s note: Duke wrote this before the Grammies; Alicia Keys
did win Best New Artist.)

That said, I finally picked up India.Arie’s debut CD,
Acoustic Soul, and in truth it’s as good as I expected from
the singles. Maybe better, in fact. In fact, let’s discuss Some
Really Cool Things About India.Arie:

1) She has some historical awareness of where she comes from.
This CD includes a brilliant tribute to Stevie Wonder (“Wonderful”)
and a sung tribute to musicians who have influenced her (including
such widely varied names as Minnie Riperton, Donnie Hathaway, James
Taylor, and Karen Carpenter).

2) She delivers a scathing, yet oddly gentle diatribe about what
sort of musician she isn’t, which includes the deathless, funny
line “As for silicone, I prefer my own, what God gave me’s just
fine” (“Video”).

3) She has a drawn-butter, honey, shiveringly rich voice that’s
one of the most versatile, supple, and elegant things I’ve ever
heard. Think a female George Benson with a wider range.

4) Screw gangsta rap and other crap; her music is unabashedly
African-American, and she’s probably a better role model than
ninety percent of the artists out there.

5) She’s just COOL, dammit.

Plain and simple, this is a great CD. Tracks of especial note
include “Brown Skin” (which may be one of the best love songs I’ve
ever heard), “I See God In You” (another love song, believe it or
not — I know this unrepentant Pagan loved it), “Strength, Courage,
and Wisdom” (and couldn’t we all use some of that, hey?)…oh,
hell, they’re all good. Go get this CD. Do not waste your time.
This is great stuff.

And please, please O Immortal And Deathless Muses, do not let
her fall victim to the Best New Artist Curse…

Rating: A

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