A Sky Full Of Ghosts – Mark Kadzielawa

A Sky Full Of Ghosts
Independent release, 2020
Reviewed by Mark Kadzielawa
Published on Mar 3, 2021

Sonus Umbra is a prog rock band that began in Mexico City back in 1991 and currently based in Chicago. Only one member remains from the original line-up. In many ways, it is safe to say that Sonus Umbra is a completely new band with an old name. They certainly have an interesting story to tell.

Musically, the band is as prog as prog gets. They even have a flute player, and right away, the Jethro Tull comparisons do start; it’s also a place where they end. Besides the sound of the flute, there is nothing Jethro Tull-like about Sonus Umbra. It’s a nice diversion sound wise, and a very fitting with band’s music. Sonus Umbra is dark-sounding band, but they do focus on strong melodies. Also, there is a hard rock element that is present in their songs as well. All of it combined makes up for one excellent band.

A Sky Full of Ghosts is a very vibrant album. The music is like a journey, and different songs represent different moods. Yet there is a common denominator here that holds it all together. The band shows off its full face in the opening track, “Antidentity,” and continues to unleash the futuristic explorations of their souls.  Plenty of great tracks like “Desolation Dreams,” “Losing My Insanity,” or Time Is Running Out.”

In reality, there isn’t a bad song on the album. The album is best enjoyed as one consistent listen, with no breaks. There are no hits, just great music all the way through.  Itis very musically rich, and there’s plenty going on here. 

Sonus Umbra now consists of seven members, and many of these guys are multi-instrumentalists. After only few listens, it sounds really amazing as to how much musical ideas are coded within those songs. It certainly makes me want to explore as to what came before A Sky Full Of Ghosts and how those albums compare. This is certainly a very exciting and musical record that provides a good overview into Sonus Umbra.

Rating: A

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