5 – Alfredo Narvaez

Reviewed by Alfredo Narvaez
Published on Jun 25, 2000

“Fly Away.”

If you have, by some miraculous chance, avoided the monster hit
from Lenny Kravitz’s last album
5, then count yourself among the few. From TV ads to VH-1,
this song has been around for the past couple of years and refuses
to go away.

And why should it? After the success of songs like “It Ain’t
Over Till It’s Over” and “Are You Gonna Go My Way,” the artist once
known as Romeo Blue has waited a while for his next big hit to
strike. Though well liked by people across various generational
gaps by his mix of ’60s love vibes, ’70s funk, and ’80s guitar
rock, Kravitz has nonetheless never gotten over with critics. He is
often perceived as nothing more than a cheap knockoff of the music
of the ’60s and ’70s. Add to that the message to “Let Love Rule”
that permeates all of his work — a mantra plucked straight out of
the flower power generation. It has not been easy for Kravitz to
separate himself from detractrors’ cries for unoriginality.

That said, Kravitz’s last offering, 5, serves a more potent mix
of his music than his last album did. It may have been due to the
recent death of his mother, TV star Roxie Roker, but
Circus was a dark and depressing album. After all, Kravitz,
like all artists, feeds off his emotions and feelings to create. I
doubt that he was feeling cheery and peppy during those times.

However, the Kravitz of
Are You Gonna Go My Way makes a welcomed return here as
5 presents more fun and funk. The album kicks off with the
straight rocker, “Live,” which is not bad. From there you get some
of 70s funk — both in sentiment and in music — in
“Supersoulfighter” and the instrumental “Straight Cold Player,”
R& B in “Take Time” and mid-tempo rock with “It’s Your Life”
and “You’re My Flavor.” Along with that you get some soulful music.
“Thinking of You” seems to be a dedication to his mother and is
very good. At the same time, “Little Girl’s Eyes” is for his
daughter and is very soft and tender.

Then you get the three hit singles. “Fly Away” is a monster. I
remember seeing the video way back and instantly liking it. It
captured all of the emotions I was feeling during midterms. By now,
though, I’m sure you’ve decided whether or not it is for you.
“American Woman” finds its way here after the song became a hit
from that
Austin Powers movie. Again, I won’t meddle too much with
your opinion, but I will say that it’s just as good as the Guess
Who’s original. Finally, “I Belong To You” is a great, danceable,
song that is full of tropical flavor. It’s become a hit in its own

There are no truly bad songs in here. However, there are a few
throwaways. Most notably, those are mid-tempo and moody tracks.
Songs like “If You Can’t Say No,” the enviro-friendly “Can We Find
A Reason?” and the other bonus track “Without You” are not bad.
However, they tend to drag the album down. It’s not that I don’t
like soft or moody material — both “Thinking Of You” and “Take
Time” can fit in that same bill. The difference, nevertheless, is
that those songs are enjoyable. At 15 songs (13 in the original
release, plus the two tracks later added), I personally don’t see
why they could not have been culled and released as single B-sides.
It would have made
5 a much tighter album.

In the end, this album ended up being the boost that Kravitz
needed in his career. While some of the funk and lovey-dovey lyrics
may not be your cup of tea, he mixes in enough rock to make it into
something original and personal. Here’s hoping the next album keeps
on this trend.

Rating: B

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