Keeping Up (Vol. 21)

Here are another 5 quick picks for you, the loyal reader:

MUSIC: Meeting Of Important People – Hailing from Pittsburgh, PA, Meeting Of Important People is a trio that leans in the indie-pop direction. In turn, it is not surprising to report that the band has shared the stage with Blonde Redhead and Secret Machines. Start with tracks five (“Dead Man”) and seven (“Mothers Pay More”) from the self-titled debut and see if you dig the vocals and songwriting of frontman Josh Verbanets as much as this columnist does. (

BOOK: Leo Babauta / The Power Of Less – Founder of popular blog Zen Habits, Leo Babauta has been making waves with his new book, The Power Of Less. Focused on increasing productivity while eliminating unnecessary clutter in one’s personal and business lives, effective minimalism is the underlying theme. One reader’s essentials may vary entirely from another reader’s essentials, but it is important to realize that not every element of one’s existence must be as it is now. (

ironmaiden_666dvd_200FILM: Iron Maiden: Flight 666 – When the phrase “world’s biggest band” is thrown around, names like The Rolling Stones, U2, and Coldplay are generally brought up. Yet these days, Iron Maiden seems to be doing as great internationally as those aforementioned artists. Flight 666 is a documentary chronicling the British rockers’ 24-day journey in which 23 concerts were performed on 5 continents. All the while, frontman Bruce Dickinson is the pilot of the band’s airplane. Seriously. At some times humorous, but at all times rocking. (  

TOOL: Packwhiz – A self-proclaimed “packing list generator,” Packwhiz enables users to create a checklist for upcoming travel. Providing suggestions as based on destination and accommodations, it is a cost-free tool that encourages the more forgetful of travelers. In turn, it becomes less likely to forget essentials and absorb unforeseen new costs in your travels. (

ARTICLE: Productivity 501: “Productive Time Of Day” – As discussed in prior columns, I enjoy articles in which multiple perspectives are presented. In this piece, readers are treated to a variety of opinions about how and when to get things done (“GTD”). Then, of course, there are the reader replies below for even further thoughts. While it may absorb a fair amount of time to get through everything, consider this a temporary hindrance on your productivity for long-term gain. (

As always, if I’m missing something that’s worthwhile and deserving of column space, please reach out with an e-mail:

In the meantime, stay tuned for another 5 picks…

[Previous Columns]


By Darren Paltrowitz

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